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During “Get Me Out of Here!”, Livia Martin experienced an allergic reaction.

She was the very first celebrity of Get me out of here! to lend themselves to the game of the solo challenge. If Livia Martin didn’t seem panicked when we threw all kinds of critters at her, it’s because she had hypnosis sessions before the adventure.

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She participated in the program for the Fondation Jeunes en tête, which tries to prevent psychological distress among 11 to 18 year olds. Livia has needed support in her life before, as she suffers from anxiety. Get me out of here! helped her. “I had to let go of a lot of fears and overcome some of them, and I understood things.”

It was her who was responsible for bringing back to camp a worthy meal during the first solo challenge. “There’s a lot of stress that comes with that, because after the fourth day, we all start to get so hungry! So it was very stressful. What was not, is that during the challenge, I had glasses that prevented me from seeing the bugs. But when I watched this on the screen, I screamed. I had no idea how big it was on me…or at least I was trying not to!

It is recalled that Livia was handcuffed in what was called “the star of hell”. They then dumped boilers of unappetizing insects on her, crabs with free claws, mice… How did the young woman experience this? “I was trying to tell myself that it tickled. But I had an allergic reaction to caterpillars. My whole leg was all tingling, she notes. And there’s a crab that pinched me.”

However, in this situation where many would have panicked, she seemed zen. How did she deal with the stress? “I was trying to convince myself that I was correct. I was handling myself really, really well. I had more fun than fear, except when the crab pinched me and when I had to spell a word backwards and didn’t know how. Otherwise, my stress, I controlled it well. It must be said that she was prepared to manage it. “I did hypnosis before going on the show, so I was able to use a few little tricks. I needed to do hypnosis to calm me down and talk to myself inside. The mind is so strong that once you convince yourself of something, it takes over and you’re correct.”

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It paid off as she returned to camp with nine out of ten stars. The merry band was able to have a “feast” that day, a rare thing during the adventure! “I was proud to be able to offer something. We made ourselves a super cute little table and we ate well. It was really satisfying!” she rejoiced again.

Afterwards, she can’t believe she managed to overcome the hunger. “I don’t understand how we did it! Rice and beans didn’t fill our stomachs for long.” But when she returned to Quebec, she paid the full price. “I went to the Auberge Saint-Gabriel with my mother and my agent, and we had a boooonnn dinner!”

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During this journey in the jungle, Livia experienced emotional ups and downs, bereavements of people with whom she had bonded and who left the adventure before her. “There are several factors that cause emotions to fluctuate. You’re so tired and so out of phase that you don’t necessarily realize everything and you’re a bit in survival mode. So you’re not very focused on your emotions. But it’s after it goes up and you say to yourself: “Oh my God, I miss that person for so many reasons!” Because yes, in a short time, the young woman has forged ties strong with his “comrades in arms”. “We were a family and we all had different titles for each other. For example, Nathalie, for me, was a bit like my mother, my aunt and my boyfriend.

How is the Livia who entered the adventure and the one who left it different? “In so many things! I am much calmer. I understood things about me and about life. And I realized that humans adapt so easily to situations.

Don’t miss Get me out of here!Sundays at 6:30 p.m. on TVA.

SEE ALSO: 10 TV series from here that take place in Quebec City

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