Home » today » World » During a visit by an American diplomat, Beijing called on the United States not to demonize China

During a visit by an American diplomat, Beijing called on the United States not to demonize China

“Basically, this is because some Americans see China as a fictitious enemy,” Chinese Foreign Minister Sie Feng was quoted as saying by state television on Monday as she met Sherman in Tianjin.

According to him, Washington was supposed to “change the wrong way of thinking” in this regard.

Sherman is the highest-ranking US official to date in China since President Joe Biden took office six months ago. From the Biden administration, only John Kerry, the Climate Change Commissioner, has visited China so far.

However, his talks focused only on the fight against global warming, which is one of the few topics where the two countries are trying to find a common solution.

The second highest-ranking American diplomat, who is to meet not only Sie Feng but also the head of Chinese diplomacy Wang I, came to China with the message that Washington welcomes the competition with Beijing

Wang took a tough stance on the United States on Saturday: “China would never accept any country that claims to be superior to others. If the United States has not learned to treat other countries as equals, then it is the responsibility of China and the international community to help the United States learn how to do it. “

However, this must have the same rules for both parties, as well as “barriers” that will prevent this competition from escalating into conflict, Reuters reported, referring to an unnamed US official.

Relations between the two powers deteriorated sharply as Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, served as US president.

The two sides clash on a wide range of issues, including technology transfer, cyber security and human rights over the “re-education” of Muslim Uighurs.

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