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During 2020 San Martín executed productive projects for more than S / 40 million | News

17:29 | San Martín, Jan. 3.

During 2020, among the most relevant achievements of the Regional Government of San Martín (Goresam), through the Regional Directorate of Agriculture, is the execution of productive projects of cocoa, coffee, orange and corn for more than 40 million soles, which will shape the takeoff of the agricultural sector.

Its potential and competitive advantages are taken into account, promoting sustainable integral development, promoting public and private investment, guaranteeing the full exercise of rights and equal opportunities for its inhabitants in accordance with national, regional and local development plans.

“Promoting dialogue, cooperation and business organization among economic actors, public, private and academic institutions for the benefit of competitiveness, despite the difficult year we went through due to the effects of the pandemic, were the main factors for the agricultural sector stay at the forefront of the sector, ”said Otto Chávez Oliveira, regional director of Agriculture.

He added that the cocoa project commercially articulated S / 31’536,000, which is equivalent to 18.5% of total production, installing 25 demonstration plots with technical irrigation, accrediting the National System of Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality (Sineace) to 121 producers that guarantees the quality and classification of the work they carry out in crop management, while 51 producers manage their fertilization plan to increase their productivity and mitigate cadmium in their plantations.

“The coffee project generated S / 8´779,772.93 in national sales of 21,592 quintals of the parchment variety and S / 3´756,698.32 in the export of 5,776 quintals of green coffee, installing 56 demonstration plots (28 in production and 28 in renovation) that They have a drip irrigation or fertigation system, ”he said.

Likewise, 28 beneficiary organizations have a digital platform to offer their products and 7 have a management tool (strategic plan). In addition, the laboratory for the quality control of the product installed in the Rioja Economic Development Agency was implemented, he said.

Regarding the orange project, 6 demonstration plots were installed with irrigation and technified fertilization in operation and 3 business plans with an Agroideas focus are being formulated to 3 organizations: Citricoop, Coopacsa and Association of Agroindustrial Ledoy Producers.

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In the corn project, the implementation of 3 corn drying modules has been achieved in the provinces of El Dorado, Picota and Bellavista and 554.12 metric tons of this product were commercially articulated with a sale of S / 547,791.99.

Likewise, he highlighted the registration of 1,800 property titles that have been progressively delivered in the districts of San Roque de Cumbaza, Cacatachi, San Rafael, Pajarillo and Rumisapa and the preparation of 20 IOARR technical files (Investments of Optimization, Marginal Expansion, of Rehabilitation and Replacement) for the repair of irrigation canals through an agreement between Goresam and Midagri.

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Posted on: 1/3/2021

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