Home » Health » Duriangkang Hill Landslide, Salim Hidayat: Residents are more careful

Duriangkang Hill Landslide, Salim Hidayat: Residents are more careful

Batamxinwen, Batam – The landslide incident occurred Tuesday (28/2/2023) night to cover a residential road on Duriangkang Hill which is located above the Pancur Baru plot, Duriangkang Village. As a result, residents are worried because if they are not handled, at any time a similar disaster will re-occur and could threaten the safety of residents.

Monitoring at the location, an avalanche appeared on the hill of Block K Pancur Baru piled up in the middle of the road, almost covering the main road. The distance between the hill slide and the residents’ houses is less than 10 meters.

It can be seen that residents who saw it directly were still afraid to approach the hill which seemed to have a fairly steep slope. RW 13 Kapling Pancur Baru, Salim Hidayat who was reported by residents immediately checked the condition of the hill that had suffered a landslide.

Head of RW 13 Salim Hidayat and Head of RT Block K Jamirun checking directly at the landslide site.

Not only in block K, almost similar conditions occurred in the expanse of forest above Block G. You can see from a distance, the traces of an avalanche due to very heavy rains, caused a durian tree belonging to residents to also fall.

“We have coordinated with the Duriangkang Urban Village, the material (slide) must use heavy equipment to remove it. We hope that there will be no follow-up landslides,” said Salim Hidayat.

Salim said that he had also coordinated with the Duriangkang Sub-District Head, Rifandi Malik, regarding the handling of the avalanche. “Earlier we reported to Pak Duriangkang Lurah, he said (Duriangkang Lurah) this afternoon would go down to the location for a survey and see directly for the next handling,” said Salim again.

Salim Hidayat hopes that residents in Blocks G, J and K, whose houses are close to the hill, will be careful and alert and always be in contact with the RT and RW units if a landslide occurs at any time.

Another landslide due to heavy rain occurred on Jalan Raya Bukit Kemuning which connects Jalan S Parman with Selurahan Mangsang. Due to heavy rains, causing flooding and landslides.

Residents said the landslide on Bukit Kemuning occurred when residents were returning home from work at around 22.00 WIB Tuesday night.

This landslide, he admitted, had closed the access road for housing residents who wanted to get out and would return to their residence.

Although now, he also said that residents are working hand-in-hand with RT and RW officials in cleaning up soil and rock material that comes from the top of the hill. Monitoring at the location, the former landslide caused the road to turn yellow due to the landslide mixed with rainwater. (red)

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