Home » today » World » ‘Durian’ Entrepreneurs Invited by ‘Commerce’ to Request Export Handicap with Certificate of Origin

‘Durian’ Entrepreneurs Invited by ‘Commerce’ to Request Export Handicap with Certificate of Origin

Department of Foreign Trade invites durian entrepreneurs Request a Certificate of Origin (C/O) to be a handicap in exporting to FTA negotiating partner countries, revealing that you must register as an exporter-importer first. and check the origin properties Reiterate that durians must be planted and harvested in Thailand. along with recommending not to cut young durian Do not smuggle durian neighbors. to build confidence in Thai durian

April 4, 2023 – Mr Ron Ron Poonphiphat, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade, revealed that the Department invites entrepreneurs to obtain a Certificate of Origin (C/O) under various Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) to Take advantage of the exemption or reduction of customs duties at the destination country. Currently, Thailand has 14 free trade agreements that are already in effect for exports to 18 member countries of the agreement, namely ASEAN member countries, China, Japan, Korea, India. Australia, New Zealand, Peru and Chile.

For entrepreneurs interested in obtaining C/O, they must first register as exporters-importers with the Department, and then conduct a product origin qualification check. which at this stage Entrepreneurs must demonstrate that their products are produced in compliance with the rules governing the origin of the goods to be exported. The 14 FTAs ​​stipulate the rules of origin (ROO) for durian, that is, durian must be Planted and harvested in Thailand The documents used to support durian’s ROO inspection consist of a cost inspection request form. with additional information to confirm the origin of the product

“Durian is a surveillance commodity. Because there is a right to take durians from other countries to claim that they are Thai durians and export them. Entrepreneurs must provide additional documents certifying that they are products originated in Thailand, such as documents confirming the origin of durian. By using GAP certificate of origin, purchase receipt A money transfer slip with proof of purchase from an orchard grown in Thailand, etc., to prove that their durian has no claim. After that, the operator can submit a C/O request via electronic system. which when every detail is correct and complete The officer will approve the C/O request electronically. Normally, it takes 20 minutes for approval/copy. After approval, the staff will notify the entrepreneur through the system to receive the C/O at the department. But soon, the entrepreneur will not be needed. No longer have to receive the C/O at the Department, and they will be able to print the C/O at their own office right away, ”said Mr. Ronrong.

However, in exporting durian Entrepreneurs must maintain the reputation of Thai durian. and maintain this business sustainably Must not cut immature durian for sale and export. And most importantly, must not smuggle durian from other countries to claim the right to be Thai durian.

In 2022, there are entrepreneurs who apply for a certificate of origin for fresh and frozen durian exports. Representing a total export value of US$ 5,164.80 million (approximately 177,000 million baht), with the top 5 most requested C/Os: 1. Form E (ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement) valued at US$ 5,074.66 million. 2.RCEP worth $50.96 million, 3.Form D (ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement) worth $16.59 million, 4.JTEPA (Thailand-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement) worth $12.91 million, and 5.Form AK ( ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement) valued at 5.89 million US dollars.

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