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Durek Verrett rages against the press

It has been mild lately stormed Princess Märtha Louise (51) and Durek Verrett (47). The latter’s controversial statements constantly create warnings, discussions and debates.

The noise, which never seems to end, has also led to Märtha Louise’s title of princess attracted attention.

Look and listen mentioned earlier this month that there have been crisis meetings at the Castle right on the title.

Tribute: Leah Isadora Behn takes viewers home in “Powerwomen” and pays tribute to her mother Märtha Louise. Video: Viaplay / Red Runner
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– Spreading lies

On Tuesday evening Verrett posted a live on Instagram, during which, among other things, he rages against the Norwegian press, in particular Se og Hør. He believes that Se og Hør is spreading lies about him and his work.

– Many are lying about me now in the Norwegian press. I’m very, very tired of it. That’s why I want to tell the truth, he begins, and refers to the magazine article Se og Hør had printed about him on Tuesday with the title “Pushing Märtha against the family”.

The magazine writes that the self-proclaimed shaman plans to make a TV series titled “The Princess and the Shaman,” and that if Märtha were to speak out or be stripped of her title of princess, the whole plan would fall apart.

– If og Hør i Norge spreads lies to the rest of the world about me, but those who know me obviously know it’s not true.

BEFORE: Durek Verrett and Märtha Louise met at the first “Powerwomen Norway” party, where Leah Behn plays a central role.
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-No one cares

Also, Verrett says that when he initially found out that Märtha Louise was a princess, he chose to cancel the meeting with her because he didn’t want anything to do with that lifestyle.

– The media are trying to say that I am building a business around Princess Märtha. And it’s absolutely crazy because no one in America cares about the Norwegian royal family. Or royalty in general, she shares with her followers and continues:

– My business didn’t improve because I started dating a princess – it got worse.

Verrett says the reason is the lies and constant manipulation by the press, which he believes to write untruths about him and manipulate the things he says to make millions.

TAU: Princess Märtha Louise declined to answer questions about her boyfriend Durek Verrett on Wednesday.
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The editor in charge of Se og Hør, Ulf Andersen, received criticism from Verrett.

– I do not watch the broadcasts of the self-proclaimed shaman and therefore I cannot comment on what he says. It would have been an advantage if he had answered our questions, he says.

– A terrible person

Verrett also believes he is misunderstood in this country.

– If people don’t understand you in Norway, you’re a terrible person, he says live.

However, the princess’s boyfriend points out that some people are nice and text him saying that they are cheering on the relationship between him and the princess.

TICKETS: Durek Verrett has deleted a sketch by Tiktok in which Princess Märtha Louise is “attacked”. Video: @ShamanDurek / Tiktok
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– For me and Märtha it is sacred. It’s something we really appreciate.

During the live broadcast, she also faces the criticisms that have been leveled at the “Powerwomen” program, in which, among others, Leah Isadora Behn (17) takes part. Here she wonders how the reporters have “the courage” to criticize the program.

Women need to have a greater voice and presence – they need to show who they are without being afraid.

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