Home » today » Entertainment » Durango City Council to Carry Out Major Roof Repair at Bartolomé Ertzilla Music School in 2024-2025

Durango City Council to Carry Out Major Roof Repair at Bartolomé Ertzilla Music School in 2024-2025

The Durango City Council announced today that it will carry out repair works on the roof of the Bartolomé Ertzilla Music School next year to solve the problems of leaks and humidity that it presents. The project will entail the transfer of the students to the building that currently houses the Municipal Euskaltegi, which as of September will be relocated to Murueta Torre.

“This is a completely necessary work, since the roof currently has various deficiencies that are significantly affecting the interior, more evident in some spaces, such as classrooms 8 and 20, as well as the hallway that gives access to these classrooms. “It is beginning to affect the ordinary functioning of the Musika Eskola,” explained the mayor, Mireia Elkoroiribe, who spoke before the media accompanied by the deputy mayors Jesica Ruiz and Sara Oceja, the councilor Arantza Barrenetxea and the head of studies of the School of Music, Isabel Balanzategi.

“We urgently need to fix the roof because we have leaks in some classrooms and there are even holes. In 2022 it was considered to undertake the work, but in the end it was not carried out. The current Euskaltegi building will be a provisional location and we hope to return to the Musika Eskola to start the 2025-2026 academic year,” Balanzategi detailed. Although the City Council will soon undertake a minimal intervention on the roof to repair some leaks in a “punctual” manner, the comprehensive repair of the roof will be undertaken throughout the 2024-2025 academic year.

The intervention will require replacing the entire structure and tiles, as well as the waterproofing. The work will also be used to improve energy efficiency.

Update budget

The total budget of the project amounted to one million euros in 2022, although Sara Oceja has announced that it will increase because the prices must be updated and the cost of contracting the management and coordination of work must be added, which were not contemplated. The idea is to pay for the reform with the remainder of the City Council and the Music School. “All the calls for aid that may be eligible will also be analyzed to try to obtain part of the financing, but what is clear is that this work cannot wait any longer,” Oceja added.

Regarding the execution period and start of the works, the objective is to carry out the remodeling during the 2024-2025 academic year. The Bartolomé Ertzilla Music School, which celebrated its 40th anniversary this year, has 750 students, most of them from Durango, but also from the rest of the municipalities of Durangaldea. Its staff is made up of 31 teachers.

2023-12-18 22:34:45
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