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Duplicating Emotions: The World’s Demand for Conformity and Civility

The world wants to refine us. The world wants to refine our emotions and polish our feelings. He wants us to be duplicates of each other, and he wants us to smile and meditate around the clock as a defense technique against the brutality of this world. The world designed its algorithms to eliminate any glitch, even in the form of a frown.

The designers of the world’s algorithms met and drew, then exported and circulated their designs for this world and the qualities that we must adopt to make us civilized people worthy of its societies that we do not know.

Anger and hatred are not characteristics of a civilized being who is supposed to belong to this world. Expressing anger and hatred is not the action of a civilized being.

This world will break us down every day to make us sit in its own way: universal beings, with similar laughs, afraid for cats and dogs in their environment, wearing the same fashions, carrying our cups of coffee on our way to work, giving up eating meat, practicing yoga, and praying for peace to come to the world as it is. Candidates in beauty pageants do.

The world decided for us that hatred no longer befits our humanity. We are beings who were chosen by this world and accepted our continuation in it, and in return required us to drop these types of feelings. Hate, glitch, in the matrix world where we live.

In order to remain part of this world and for it to be satisfied with us, we must accept our defeats as fate. We are satisfied with what He gives us, even if it decreases day after day.

We must stray from our original feelings and use other words to describe them that do not offend anyone or express anything. Diluted versions of feelings have been drawn, engineered and promoted, which no one who wants to join the ship of this world should cross.

The human feelings that this world promotes have become reduced to calm and balance, and to a discourse calling for tolerance, pardon, and acceptance of the other, except for the angry other. Humanity, whose values ​​the world seeks to universalize, has no place for anger, only acceptance and contentment. He asks us to rise, and reminds us of man’s long journey towards civilization, which we are not supposed to pollute with our reactions to his actions in us.

This world transforms us into practicing discourse free from extreme reactions to more extreme actions. Victims are asked to “grow their minds” and “civilize” while trying to regain their lives or even in the face of trying to take revenge for their lives that were stolen and are being stolen from them every day, and before that they are stripped of the status of victims and the aggressed, and they are denied the right to be angry…or let the anger be limited to Discussion sessions that the world hears nothing about, and which achieve nothing for the victims except to deepen their siege.

The world asks the victims to be humane in the face of the brutality that the world has dropped from the label of brutality simply because it has become a reality.

This world did not stand in the face of the siege of Gaza, nor in the face of the abolition of all possibilities for the Palestinians, nor in the face of the crossings, nor in the face of the demolition of homes over the heads of their residents, nor in the face of the daily complexities of the Gazans, nor in the face of the minimum components of their lives and raw materials… Rather, this world demands The besieged must deal with the inhumanity of their reality with humanity, and with the brutality of their enemy with civility.

This world ignores the historical context of the reaction, and demands that the Palestinian follow the list of feelings and behaviors that the world has set for him in dealing with this inhumanity.

Adherents of the rules of the new world tell us that we must stifle our joy in the losses incurred by those who increase our losses around the clock, because our joy is not consistent with the discourse of civilization and tolerance, and that we must accept these losses in order to adhere to pure humanity, in order to adhere to the world that creates new vocabulary and new feelings and obliges us to Using it correctly so that we can remain a part of it.

When was hatred removed from human feelings? When did our journey reach a world free of injustice, to consider that hatred is unjustified in our human journey, and that it has become a surplus characteristic?

The level of civilization that humanity has reached has never been devoid of injustice. Rather, injustice has always been a bridge towards civilization. The association of humanity free of hatred and its consequences, with civilization, is a heresy invented by this world that hates us and makes the conditions for our joining it difficult.

The hatred that we have become afraid to express can achieve what so-called humanity has not achieved. Hate is inherent in humanity, so why should we choke on our hatred and swallow it? Why don’t we spit it in the face of this world?

In this world that calls for love, tolerance, and the rejection of self-defense, the Palestinian will have no place in it, and will not be able to recognize it. Not because the Palestinian does not want to, but because he has crossings that he will not succeed in crossing. Crossings, this world has no problem with their presence as long as they are far from it. Crossings, the Palestinian must deal with them civilly, and try day after day after day, hoping he will succeed in crossing them, and if he does not succeed, then this is his destiny and destiny. In response to its civilization, this world will print a star in the middle of its forehead in the shape of a bullet.

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