On Saturday, the village day opened with a cultural block. Six clubs, Lilaakác Dalkör from Kisapostag, Aranydaru Dalkör from Nagyvenyim, Vadon Nőtt Gyöngyvirág from Sztebegyháza, Nyugdíjas Egyesület from Kissolti, Derűs Ősz Dalkör from Dunaegyháza and Búzavirág Dalkör from Dunaújváros took the stage to decide which company will retain the wandering cup for one year. The show was enriched by the production of the Dance Team of the Sárosdi Handicraft House. Gábor Varga, the representative of Térség in Parliament, who is the founder of the wanderer’s cup, took part in the event.
– The village days are one of the biggest holidays in settlements, where protocol is less important. Everyone works to make us feel good here. I am happy to accept invitations and, if possible, I will go to the locations. Actually, this is the birthday of the village. The programs are becoming more and more high-quality and the locations are also developing and beautifying. Here, the area behind the mayor’s office has been slightly rehabilitated and put in order, so they can provide an excellent environment for smaller festivals and events. I also like the village days because we can show ourselves. In the spirit of local community building, we can talk to each other a little more directly, pay more attention to each other, and get together with friends and family. This also gives us a lot of strength for the rest of the year – we heard from Gábor Varga.

In the end, the host Lilaakács Choir won the traveling cup of the song meeting. In the morning, however, we could not only witness the beautiful melodies, but also admire and taste the culinary creations of the cooking and baking competition. Twelve teams competed. A company led by mayor István Szilágyi also came from the sister settlement Dunaegyháza. However, despite the large number of teams, the Kisapostagi Friends’ Circle – headed by grandmaster Mityus – cannot be beaten. They also pocketed the first place, the special award and the gold rating. The Wolf Pack came second. In third place, the Kisapostag Pensioners’ Club received recognition.

In the area of cakes, Sándorné Petrovics’ creamy and salty cake won the prize. He also achieved second place. By the way, according to tradition, all entrants were awarded. And if we’re talking about the awards, the event also had a very solemn moment, when those who worked hard for the village, the most excellent, could receive their awards. This year’s Kisapostag Díszpolgara prize was awarded to dr. György Somorácz. Julianna Kissné Bogó received an award for Kisapostag. The Pride of Kisapostag award went to Ellenberger Benett and Teréz Mente. After the award ceremonies, cultural and children’s programs filled the time of the village day, in which the bouncy castle, face painting, puppet show, folk dance show and many other entertainment programs took center stage. In the evening, the hugely successful Parno Graszt and Bed Times concert closed this year’s village day on Kisapostag.