Fewer people than usual took part in the adult competition announced for November 25 of the Worker’s Education Center. Well, it wasn’t their enthusiasm that stopped the regular attendees, but several people were forced to cancel their applications due to illness. Thus, this time only five teams competed against each other compared to the usual eight or ten. The topic “My mother, you beautiful Hungary” was a great choice by the organizers, and the contestants were mostly able to demonstrate their general education.
Rózsa Kováts, the head of the institution, and her colleagues always try to bring something new to the usual, and this time was no different. The competition was given a new, interactive form and the participants were invited to a board game. There is no board game without dice, so it was decided by rolling the dice which topic each team should demonstrate their knowledge on. The five topics – geography, history, ethnography and folk art, literature and music, sport – covered the “treasures” of our country. And in order to strengthen the spirit of competition, the hosts were free to steal points, because the answer did not always go first. Riding this wave, the team consisting of Krisztina Bolygó, Anita Izing, Anita Agárdy-Kovács and Mihály Körmendi managed to get the first place. But as is commonly said, this was not the point, but the participation, the good atmosphere and the many, many interesting pieces of information that the participants could learn during the competition.