Elizabeth Rich’s class at Dunkirk Intermediate School raised 407 pairs of socks to contribute to the Dunkirk High School Class of 2024 Socktober Sock Drive. The students leading the way for their class were Jacob Symans, middle left, and Emersyn Krzyzanowicz, middle right
Zentz and his fellow leaders of the Class of 2024 participated in the Socktober Sock Drive through the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation. The Dunkirk Senior Class set a goal of 2,024 pairs of socks to donate to various organizations throughout the community.
“As senior Class President, I wanted to start a new tradition here at DHS of giving back to the community that has helped us grow into the young adults that we are. Throughout our senior year, I want our class to help local organizations and charities in our community,” Zentz said. “I thought this fundraiser would be the perfect start because it not only helps the elderly and homeless in our community, but it will also warm the hearts and feet of the less fortunate students in our district as well.”
By the time the drive came to an end, the Class of 2024 clearly surpassed its goal, as 2,306 pairs of socks, scarfs, gloves, and hats were collected. However, it could not have been accomplished without the help of the community, especially from future classes of Marauders set to follow in their footsteps.
Throughout the month of October, the Dunkirk Intermediate School assisted the Class of 2024 with its goal by collecting more than 1,000 pairs of socks, which pushed the Senior Class over the finish line of its goal.
OBSERVER Photos by Braden Carmen
Dunkirk Intermediate School students Emersyn Krzyzanowicz and Jacob Symans were the top two students in collecting socks for a sock drive started by the Dunkirk High School Class of 2024. Pictured from left to right is Krzyzanowicz, Symans, Dunkirk Intermediate School Principal Kimberlee Texter, Sara Marsowicz of the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation, Dunkirk Senior Class President Zachary Zentz, and Dunkirk Superintendent Michael Mansfield.
“I’ve got a very supportive school community, between the parents and the teachers,” Dunkirk Intermediate School Principal Kimberlee Texter said. “If you set a goal, you’re going to reach it because they are so supportive of this sort of stuff.”
The Intermediate School itself had six classes that surpassed 60 pairs of socks donated, despite not one of those classes having more than 20 students. A total of 1,077 pairs of socks and other items were donated.
The leading class was Elizabeth Rich’s class, which raised 407 pairs of socks. The leading students were Emersyn Krzyzanowicz and Jacob Symans.
“They came through, and then some,” said Texter. “This is a special place. Every time I think that we’re at the pinnacle, we just keep passing it. It’s a great place to be.”
Texter posted the information for the drive on the school’s Class Dojo app, but did not campaign for classes to donate or incentivize participation.
“I didn’t even put it out for a competition because I wanted it to be about the giving part of this, not about a competition of winning a party,” Texter said.
However, because of the overwhelming response, the six classes that all surpassed 60 pairs of socks – taught by Ms. Rich; Mrs. DeJohn; Mrs. Kramer/Ms. Traverse; Ms. Hall; Mrs. Adams; and Mr. Lilga – were all to receive a pizza party to reward their efforts. Blasdell Pizza will supply pizzas to reward the Dunkirk classes.
Additionally, Nancy Nichols, Fourth Ward Councilwoman of the Dunkirk Common Council, made more than 100 scarfs to donate to the cause. Chai’s Chocolates and Cupcake Berry also assisted by holding giveaways to encourage donations. Sara Marsowicz of the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation facilitated online orders and donations.
Donations benefit the Chautauqua County Rural Ministry, the Chautauqua Homeless Coalition, Dunkirk-Fredonia Meals on Wheels, Jamestown YWCA, Northern Chautauqua Boys and Girls Club, St. Gianna Molla and St. Susan’s Center, and local food pantries.
Texter referenced the “great relationship” between the Intermediate School and Denise Zentz, Zachary’s mother and the President of the Dunkirk Marauders Booster Club, in help facilitating the event. Texter was especially motivated to help in any way she could because it was Zachary Zentz who led the way.
“That’s not what senior boys usually are worried about or thinking about,” Texter said of Zachary Zentz’ initiative. “We, of course, want to support him. That’s the least we can do to help him reach his goal. … When you see a kid that’s trying to do good, how can you not?”
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