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Dunkin Donuts and Taco Bell will hire thousands of people for reopens

NY- The Dunkin Donuts coffee and donut chain reported Monday that at least 25,000 employees have been hired to cope with the recovery in demand in the restaurant sector and the US economy after the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, an announcement that It coincides with that of the fast food chain Taco Bell, which will create 30,000 jobs during the summer months.

According to Dunkin Donuts, in the next few days it will launch an advertising campaign to attract new workers while it has reached an agreement with the University of Southern New Hampshire to offer its employees an online university education.

The recovery of the sector comes just before the summer, coinciding with the economic reopens and with the increase in spending by customers, a situation that forces in normal years that many chains increase their hiring, especially of adolescents and students who seek to work during the summer to pay for their studies.

In the case of Dunkin Donuts, the chain has already shown signs of economic recovery since the pandemic began and its sales have improved considerably after reopening up to 90% of its locations.

After the news, the shares of the donut chain appreciated by around 3% during the electronic operations prior to the opening of the markets, although so far this year it has lost 4% of its value.

On the other hand, through a note, Taco Bell also communicated its plans for the expansion of the workforce, which will include the creation and hiring of new roles in the premises to guarantee the security, cleanliness and social distancing measures required for the duration of the pandemic.

Taco Bell pointed out that all its employees would undergo body temperature checks and would be required to wear gloves and masks that the company will provide.

In recent months, unemployment in the United States has grown to historical levels due to the pandemic, although last Friday it experienced its first decline and went from 14.7% of the unemployed to 13.3% after forging the creation of 2.5 million jobs.

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