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Duindorp and Scheveningen beaches crowded due to bonfires



It is crowded on the beaches of Scheveningen and Duindorp, where bonfires are lit. The avenues are filled with visitors who come to see the fires a day earlier than usual.

Traditionally, bonfires are not lit until New Year’s Eve, but due to bad weather forecasts, the mayor decided to do so today. Stormy weather is expected at the end of the year, with strong gusts of wind and rain.

According to the municipality, this poses too great a risk to local residents, spectators and homes. Mayor Van Zanen of The Hague calls for the fires to be moved to the front Transmission in the West “a depresser”. “But we have agreed that the fire will only be lit if it is safe to do so.”

Since earlier this week, a lot of hard work has been done building the woodpiles on the beach. Due to the new rules, they cannot be larger than 10 by 10 metres. A height limit of 10 meters also applies.

There have been no bonfires in Scheveningen and Duindorp in the past three years. Initially, this was due to the consequences of the 2018-2019 New Year celebrations. Then the woodpiles were considerably higher than allowed, causing a shower of sparks and fires.

Roofs, cars and street furniture flew On fire. The matter led to the resignation of Mayor Krikke of The Hague in October 2019. In September of this year it was decided that the bonfires would go on again. Mayor Van Zanen has issued a permit for this event.

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