ANP extension
In collaboration with
Transmission in the West
On the beaches of Scheveningen and Duindorp they have been working on the traditional bonfires since yesterday evening. Bonfires in The Hague have been canceled for the past three years, initially due to the 2018-2019 New Year celebrations.
That year the bonfires in Scheveningen were higher than permitted, resulting in one shower of sparks and fires broke out. Roofs, cars and street furniture in the area then caught fire. The matter led to the resignation of Mayor Krikke of The Hague in October 2019.
Strict conditions
At the end of September this year it became clear that the bonfires could continue this year as well, when Mayor Van Zanen of The Hague once again decided to event permit to be issued.
However, there are now “strict conditions” attached to it. For example, poles cannot be taller or wider than 10x10x10 meters in order not to endanger the safety of bystanders and residents.
Builders do this by stacking the pallets according Transmission in the West these days again “old-fashioned by hand”. The yard is enclosed with fencing and containers and the site is lit with high yard lights.
The cancellation of the bonfires sparked riots two years ago. They were there last year too revolt because even bonfires were banned due to corona measures.