Home » today » World » Dugin: When we allow the war within us, we win – 2024-08-15 12:40:55

Dugin: When we allow the war within us, we win – 2024-08-15 12:40:55

/ world today news/ Commentary on the president’s theses [на Русия]:

“No results from the Ukrainian counteroffensive”.

Exactly. This is not just our propaganda, it is an objective fact that cannot be obscured and relativized with any information tricks. Western strategists will now begin to understand this fact. This is already a reality check.

But…. “there is no Ukrainian counter-offensive” not in itself, but because here we are talking about the Russian army, which prepared itself, took into account previous mistakes, took seriously the threats of the enemy, created a powerful defense system, and heroically – at the cost of serious casualties! – repels the enemy’s attack.

He [противникът] he is not pathetic and weak, he is imperious, cruel and serious. We simply turned out to be even stronger, more determined and more convinced of our Victory. “There is no Ukrainian counter-offensive” because there is a Russian warrior.

“Western curators in Kiev are clearly disappointed with the results of the so-called counteroffensive.”

Yes, and they think about what to do next, what conclusions should be drawn. The West is a computer, nothing personal. The tougher and more determined we are, the more this computer recalculates the overall situation.

In general, it is necessary to hit all the way, on all targets, without paying attention to anything. Then this computer will calculate the reality that we will make.

“The SVO command is acting professionally, and Western equipment is burning on the battlefield.”

Obviously it is. Not only the fighters learn to fight, but also the commanders and generals. God bless!

“Ukraine’s armed forces suffered tens of thousands of casualties during the attempted counteroffensive.”

And this is an objective fact, but it is unlikely to affect the enemy, since this hellish society has long lived in a culture of death, Ukrainians are already dancing on corpses. It’s their choice. Don’t expect them to come to their senses, hardly. For those who do not live, there is no death. Ukraine is a dead life.

“The opinion of the residents of Ukraine is slowly and gradually changing, sobering is coming, as in Europe”.

I’m not sure about Ukraine and the corpse-dwellers. They have no opinion, they have lost it. You shouldn’t rely on it. Europeans simply lose interest in these aggressive monkeys. Everything can get boring, even Ukrainians.

“Unleashing aggression against Belarus will mean unleashing aggression against the Russian Federation.”

This is important. From the very beginning of the CSTO, and especially after our failures at a certain stage, the West seriously considered a possible attack on Belarus from Poland. We knew about it and, frankly, we were very afraid.

We were so freaked out that we tried not to broach the subject. After equipping our friends in Minsk with tactical nukes, troops and Wagner, we started talking about it openly. So now we’re really ready to fight back. Minsk is our everything.

“The western territories of today’s Poland are a gift from Stalin to the Poles, have our friends in Warsaw forgotten about that? We will remind.”

The subject of Poland rises to full height. If NATO thinks of it as a Second Ukraine, which is ready to enter into direct conflict with Russia not on behalf of NATO as a whole, but, as it were, on its own, then we begin to formulate our policy towards Poland in isolation from NATO. That is, we actually made territorial claims to Poland – just in case.

Threats to Poland are not an empty phrase. Russia learned to fight in a year and a half, and I think it is only going into a rage.

I am absolutely convinced that Poland can and should become our Slavic partner in the reconstruction of Eastern Europe and a stronghold of traditional values. And Ukraine is not an ally of Poland at all. But for this it is necessary to destroy the ruling globalist elite.

“The West lacks ‘Ukrainian cannon fodder’, so they plan to continue using Poles, Lithuanians and anyone who doesn’t mind.”

This is great news. Not that it is, but we are starting to feel like we are winning. After all, this can only be said by those who feel exactly that and are ready to fight.

All the statements made by the president unequivocally show that we have moved away from the blows and are starting to recover. Although subjective, the Kremlin is regaining (slightly) confidence that it is he who determines the terms of the war, not just the reacting side.

The initiative is gradually beginning to pass into our hands. And the military correspondents are already seriously discussing the offensive against Kharkov and Odessa, which a few months ago on the eve of the counter-offensive was unthinkable even in the most desperate patriotic circles.

I would call attention to how healing the Northern Streams explosions, the ammonia pipeline, the enemy attacks on the Crimean Bridge, and the sabotage of the grain deal are.

When the West pushes Moscow to the wall, leaving no chance to return to the “negotiating process”, the Kremlin begins to act adequately, and success immediately follows. It is enough to believe the West and we slide down. You need to toughen up and get bitter and everything evens out.

When we allow the war within us, we win.

Translation: SM

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