Home » today » Health » Due to the pandemic, heart patients ignore the symptoms and arrive at the hospital too late. Do not delay visits to cardiologists

Due to the pandemic, heart patients ignore the symptoms and arrive at the hospital too late. Do not delay visits to cardiologists

Patients with heart disease are more susceptible to viral infections. Therefore, normally during the viral season, it is recommended to repeat the visit to the attending physician to adjust the treatment. Cardiologists warn that this year, more than ever, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, heart patients should not be late to see a doctor.

People with chronic cardiovascular disease are more vulnerable to viral infections, such as the epidemic caused by coronavirus, which virtually destabilizes their metabolic balance.

Comorbidities are crucial in establishing the prognosis of patients with Covid-19. It should be noted that most cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, old age) increase the risk of an unfavorable evolution of this pandemic.»Explains Dr. Ștefan Moț, cardiologist at ARES Cardioteam Cardiology Hospital, the largest private hospital for interventional cardiology in Transylvania.

Photo: Dr. Ștefan Moț

While coronavirus infection can affect anyone, patients with heart disease may be more likely to develop moderate to severe forms of the disease. This is because once it enters the body, the virus damages the lungs and causes an inflammatory response that affects the cardiovascular system. On the one hand, by damaging the lungs, the level of oxygen in the blood decreases. On the other hand, it lowers blood pressure. Thus, the heart is forced to beat faster and harder, to provide the necessary oxygen to the important organs of the body.

Patients with heart disease, such as heart failure, are in a delicate balance, regulated by appropriate treatment. This extra pressure on the cardiovascular system can quickly lead to imbalances and the disease worsens.

In addition, cardiovascular prevention, where an important point is regular consultation with a specialist, will obviously be much more necessary during this period! So do not delay regular consultations, they will really help you take care of Covid, it will not increase your risk of contracting this virus! Outpatient clinics and hospitals are extremely controlled environments in which it is clearly harder to get infected than in public spaces!», Draws the attention of Dr. Ștefan Moț.

In addition, heart patients should be aware that viral infections of any kind can cause an acute event, such as a heart attack. Due to the inflammatory effect of the infection, there is a risk that the fatty deposits deposited on the walls of the blood vessels will rupture and clog the vessel, blocking the flow of blood to the heart.

Acute myocardial infarction can be treated today with a minimally invasive method called coronary angioplasty. This intervention, available at the ARES Cardioteam cardiology hospital, consists in inserting thin layers (catheters) into the arteries and directing them to the coronary arteries. There are areas where blood flow is blocked and the arteries are dilated with balloons or stents. The patient’s subsequent recovery depends very much on how quickly he arrived at the hospital.

The postponement and neglect of regular consultations has led to the presentation of patients in an advanced stage of the disease, when complete healing is even more difficult to achieve. For example, presenting 12 hours after the onset of symptoms of an acute heart attack in a hospital with the possibility of interventional therapy will lead to the possibility of heart failure over time, an extremely difficult situation for the patient. his family. and the medical system. Or neglecting pre-existing heart valve problems, lack of timely treatment can lead to physical disappearance of patients.“, Warns Dr. Ștefan Moț.

The warning applies in particular to patients with known angina pectoris or those with multiple cardiovascular risk factors (smokers, hypertension, diabetics, dyslipidemia) who suffer from severe chest pain, which lasts more than 20 minutes and does not go away. nitroglycerin, pain usually accompanied by difficulty breathing or profuse sweating. Other symptoms to look out for: sudden and intense pain in the hands or feet, accompanied by cold and pale skin, disorders of sensation or movement of the arms or legs, difficulty speaking or balancing, fainting, suffocation rapid palpitations accompanied the condition general condition of the lesions. All these signs should give an alarm signal and be followed by an immediate presentation to the cardiologist or ward.

The ARES Cardioteam Cardiology Hospital, at 8 rue Republici, has taken all safety measures to treat patients in a protected area in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The mission of ARES in Romania is to develop the invocation in cardiology and the access of the largest possible number of Romanians to innovative therapeutic solutions that preserve the patient’s bodily integrity. Since 2011, thousands of interventions have been carried out at ARES, including 12 in absolute national premiere and one in European premiere.


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