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Due to the lack of vegetables and fruits. How to prevent stomach cancer? | Healthy life | Health

For many, stomach cancer is an unknown disease, and it often seems that the incidence of this type of cancer is quite low. In fact, the development of tumors on the mucous membrane of the stomach occurs with enviable regularity, and the cancer of the stomach itself is in 6th place among oncological diseases. In Russia, with this diagnosis, several tens of thousands of people live. Pathology is dangerous and insidious.

Why is the problem developing

Stomach cancer is a malignant formation that appears on the mucous membrane of an organ. Usually it develops in those cells that are responsible for the production of mucous secretions. This type of cancer is called adenocarcinoma. In addition, there is an option for the development of a malignant process in the area where the upper part of the stomach is connected to the lower esophagus. This is gastroesophageal cancer.

Of course, many are interested in who is at risk and what are the reasons for the development of this pathology. The main reason for the development of this disease, doctors have not yet been established. But at the same time, they identified factors that provoke the launch of the pathological process. So, today, one of the important nuances in the development of stomach cancer is the presence of Helicobacter pilori bacteria in the human body. It is she who in most cases causes gastritis and ulcer.

There is also a proven link between the diet, which is dominated by dishes such as pickles, smoked meats, etc., and the development of oncological pathology of the stomach.

If we talk about risk factors, then among them:

  • Lack of fruits and vegetables;
  • Hereditary factor;
  • Prolonged inflammation of the stomach;
  • Smoking;
  • Epstein-Barr virus;
  • Anemia, in which there is a lack of vitamin B12;
  • The presence of polyps in the stomach.

It is necessary to regularly undergo examinations by a gastroenterologist and timely conduct therapy if necessary to reduce risks. The chance of getting stomach cancer increases with age: a greater number of cases are recorded in the age group of 50-70 years.

What are the symptoms and manifestations of the disease?

In the treatment of gastric cancer, the timing of problem detection is also important. After all, the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of reaching a stable remission. But this is where the main difficulty arises, because most of the manifestations of the problem are familiar to many more harmless pathologies. Among the signs indicating the development of gastric cancer, the following items:

  • The appearance of a feeling of bloating after eating;
  • A feeling of fullness even when eating a small amount of food;
  • Heartburn, characterized by severe manifestations and manifested on a regular basis;
  • Indigestion, which also appears with enviable constancy;
  • Nausea for no reason;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Rapid vomiting, which is usually tied to meals;
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Feeling tired;
  • In the later stages, bleeding may occur. For example, all with the same vomiting.

It is important to understand that, even if such symptoms indicate gastritis or an ulcer, and not cancer, they cannot be ignored, because such pathologies can lead to the development of an oncological disease, and even in themselves can cause a fatal outcome, for example, when an ulcer perforates. . So in any case, it’s worthwhile to see a doctor, undergo an examination and find out the cause of the ailment. Pathology is determined using the standard procedure of endoscopy (people call it simply FGS, i.e. swallowing a tube).

Stages of Gastric Cancer

Oncological disease of the stomach, like many others, develops in stages. They look as follows:

I stage – here the tumor develops only on the membrane and mainly superficially;

II stage – the tumor grows deeper and ends up in the muscle layer or even in the walls, here the malignant process can go to nearby lymph nodes;

III stage – the spread of malignant cells is already through all layers of the esophagus and stomach, can go to neighboring structures;

IV stage – metastases disperse throughout the body, they are called distant, cancer begins to spread more widely.

The nuances of therapy

The treatment of gastric cancer is complex. If the tumor is to be removed, then surgery is indicated. Moreover, one tumor can be removed with the capture of part of the stomach, and half of the stomach, or even the organ as a whole. Naturally, in this case, doctors create a system so that the digestive tract can cope with their duties: they usually connect the esophagus and small intestine. With inoperable tumors, palliative surgery is performed. Also in the framework of therapy, the use of chemotherapy is provided (moreover, this method is often practiced before the intervention to affect the size of the tumor) and radiotherapy. All this is determined in each case, depending on the severity of the situation, the presence and prevalence of metastases, etc.

Predictions for survival in this pathology are constructed as follows. The average survival within the five-year threshold is 31%. If a tumor is detected in the initial stages, the chances of survival are 68%, if cancer is at 3 stages – 31%, and at 4 stages, doctors give patients 5%.

Preventive actions

Like any other disease, cancer is easier to prevent than to treat. Moreover, prevention methods are quite simple and help protect against many other pathologies. So, as a prophylaxis against stomach cancer, you can use:

  • Weight control. It will allow you not to overeat, switch to a healthier diet, because without changing food habits it is impossible to keep the arrow of the scales at the right indicators, and protect against diseases of the cardiovascular sphere and immune malfunctions.
  • Physical activity. Regular exercises help to activate metabolic processes in the body, improve the digestive system and stimulate metabolism in the right way.
  • The inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Here it is important to understand that not only quantity is an important factor, do not forget about the variety of options. Studies have shown that daily consumption of 5 types of fruits and vegetables significantly reduces the risk of developing stomach cancer.
  • Decreased dietary potential carcinogens. First of all, we are talking about pickles and smoked meats.
  • To give up smoking.

Quite simple measures help extend your life and make it healthier. The main thing is not to be lazy to pay attention to yourself and not to ignore the alarming signals that the body gives.

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