Home » Health » Due to the disclosure of the numbers of wounded… sharp disagreements between the army and health officials in Israel

Due to the disclosure of the numbers of wounded… sharp disagreements between the army and health officials in Israel

10:58 PM

Monday, December 11, 2023

Israeli ambulance


Hospital spokesmen in Israel decided not to obey the new instructions of the Israeli occupation army spokesman, who tried to subject public hospital spokesmen to him, and asked them to refrain from informing the public about wounded soldiers arriving at hospitals.
According to Israeli media, including the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz, the Ministry of Health and Hospitals told the Israeli occupation army spokesman: “You do not have such authority. We will continue to report wounded soldiers as was the case before the war.”

Hospital spokesmen in Israel decided not to obey the new instructions of the Israeli occupation army spokesman, who tried to subject public hospital spokesmen to him and asked them to refrain from informing the public about wounded soldiers arriving at hospitals.

In a letter sent today by Ministry of Health spokeswoman Shira Solomon to Lieutenant Colonel Adi Barel Ibn, head of the communications branch, spokesman for the Israeli occupation army, she said that hospital spokesmen will not comply with the requirements for prior approval of any report on wounded soldiers in their lives. On their behalf, because they are committed to the principles of “transparency to the public while maintaining medical confidentiality.”
The occupation health spokeswoman continued: “The Ministry of Health and Hospitals believes that the army spokesman does not have such authority, and that as was the case before the war – they can report after informing the families themselves and without revealing the details of the soldiers.”

The message from the Ministry of Health spokeswoman said: “Hospital spokespersons routinely work, and even more so during war, on the basis of the principles of transparency to the public while maintaining medical confidentiality. The hospital spokespersons will continue to do so in this campaign as well, given their professional independence and affiliation to the hospital.” And their work with the Ministry of Health.”

The Hebrew newspaper Haaretz said, Monday evening, that hospitals in Israel rejected a request from the occupation army not to publish information about the number of military casualties.
The Hebrew newspaper confirmed that there is a large gap between the numbers of injured soldiers deployed by the Israeli occupation army and the hospital numbers.
Haaretz indicated that it counted 4,591 soldiers who had received treatment in Israeli hospitals since October 7, while the occupation army only announced 1,593 injured.

2023-12-11 20:58:00

#Due #disclosure #numbers #wounded.. #sharp #disagreements #army #health #officials #Israel

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