Home » today » Business » Due to the change of lawyer, the hearing of “El Gusano”, the alleged murderer of the driver of Huizaches, is postponed

Due to the change of lawyer, the hearing of “El Gusano”, the alleged murderer of the driver of Huizaches, is postponed


The control judge authorized a 20-hour suspension to determine the legal status of the alleged killer

Due to the change of lawyer, the hearing of “El Gusano”, alleged murderer of the driver of Huizaches, is postponed. | Direct line

Culiacán, Sin.- Due to the transition from public defense to private defense, the control judge Carlos Alberto Herrera, granted a 20-hour break to determine whether or not it is related to the trial. Sergio aka “The worm”involved in homocide by Andres, driver of the Huizahes-Centro routecommitted on the night of September 15 in the colony on December 22.

In the continuation of the first hearing held this Monday at the Regional Office of Criminal Justice and Oral Accusatory Center, the alleged head of the hhomocidecommissioned Luis Gabriel Obeso Peña and Ricardo Medina González to take care of their case.

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For this reason they asked the control judge for a withdrawal to impose the investigation file, a deadline that expires this Tuesday at 11:00, where it should be defined if it is linked to the process, that is, if it continues to be investigated for this. crime.

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According to the initial hearing held last Friday, the staff of the State Attorney’s Office (FGE) announced that on the night of September 15, when the unit marked with number 11 of the Huizaches-Centro route was parked on Las Torres Boulevard, in the neighborhood of 22 March, “El Gusano” got off a motorcycle and shot Andres 5 times.

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