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Due to corruption, SFP dismisses Conade’s Deputy Director of Quality

The Secretariat of Public Function (SFP) reported that it resolved to dismiss Israel Benítez Morteo, deputy director of Quality for Sports of the National Sports Commission (Conade) for the undue provision of services under his charge.

In a statement, the federal agency detailed that the Area of ​​Responsibilities of the Internal Control Body at Conade accredited the improper provision of accommodation, food and use of the Villas Tlalpan facilities to people who were not high-performance athletes, and who were not part of the National System of Physical Culture and Sports (Sinade) or the National Registry of Physical Culture and Sports (Renade).

The federal agency pointed out that these services were requested by two public servants subject to the supervision of Benítez Morteo, who was penalized taking into account recidivism and the hierarchical level, “as well as the appropriate conditions in the individuals who assume public tasks “.

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The Public Function indicated that this investigation derived from citizen complaints for probable acts of corruption, several of which, he recalled, led to the initiation of several investigation files last year and seven audits of Conade, in which they were determined 22 observations.

Given this resolution, of which the now former official was notified, Irma Eréndira Sandoval, head of the SFP, stated that public service should not be taken as a privilege “but as one of the highest social responsibilities. It requires probity, professionalism and commitment to the care of public resources ”.

“In this government, public servants must have moral courage and technical training to carry out their duties, in order to offer a good service to citizens,” he added.

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