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Duda about the crimes of Russian invaders in Ukraine – UNIAN

The President of Poland stressed that the perpetrators and those who gave orders and coordinated these actions should be punished.

Andrzej Duda / photo REUTERS

Polish President Andrzej Duda on the crimes of Russian invaders in Ukraine: This is not a war, this is terrorism.

According to an UNIAN correspondent, he said this in a statement following a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky together with the presidents of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.

According to Duda, more than 2.5 million Ukrainians have already arrived in Poland, who were forced to leave their homes due to the Russian invasion.

He stressed that he had arrived with his fellow presidents in Kyiv to stand next to the Ukrainian leader and shake his hand.

“To say that we admire his heroism, the heroism of his team, of all Ukrainian soldiers who give their lives every day for their homeland,” the President of Poland stressed.

Duda noted that during his visit to the liberated settlements in the Kiev region he saw two faces of this war. The first is the Ukrainian military, who fought against the Russian invaders, observing all the rules and principles of war.

“And we saw the second face of this war, which is difficult to understand… These are bombarded residential areas, destroyed residential buildings. Not military facilities, but ordinary houses where ordinary people live… I saw these ruins on television, and now I saw them in real life. It’s hard to believe it. That’s why I told Mr. President Zelensky that this is not a war, but terrorism … this is cruelty and banditry … “, he said.

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The Polish president noted that he would never agree with this second face of the war.

“There have been wars since the advent of mankind, but in the 21st century, the killing of women and children, the bombing of residential buildings, high-rise buildings – this is terrorism, this is banditry. This is trampling on the principles of international law … For people who treat these principles this way, no places today among the international community,” Duda said.

Therefore, in his opinion, the Russian Federation should be excluded from international communities.

Russia cannot be perceived… It is impossible to conduct a dialogue with those who have trampled on these principles. The Russian Federation must admit… that it attacked… and the perpetrators of these crimes and the people who gave them permission and orders must answer for this… They all need to be punished in international courts… Whoever does such things must be punished, and for the time being, until the punishment is over, he must be eliminated…”, the leader of Poland noted.

As UNIAN reported, the presidents of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland arrived in Kyiv by rail today.

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