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Duchess Meghan: – – Would not live any longer

Night to Monday Norwegian time, Prince Harry (36) and Duchess Meghan (39) took the magazine from their mouths, and spoke out a longer interview with Oprah Winfrey.

The interview is the duke’s couple’s first major interview together since they resigned from their royal duties in Britain in March last year, and moved to the United States.

They did so as a result of what they themselves believe was several years with public bullying and harassment, especially from the British press, and the duke couple finally got enough.

Married us before the wedding

In her first part of the interview, Meghan talks to Oprah alone. She begins to talk about her wedding to Prince Harry in May 2018.

Meghan says that she always thought that “this was not their day, but a day that was planned for the world”.

– I went naively into it because I did not know much about the royal family when I was growing up. It was not part of the conversation at home, it was not something we followed. I did not do any research, or never looked up my husband online, she says about becoming part of the British royal family.

The 39-year-old further reveals that she and Prince Harry got married three days before the royal wedding on 19 May 2018 which the whole world followed.

Meghan says they exchanged marriage vows in a private ceremony.

LIAR: “We can not remain silent when they come up with lies,” Meghan said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. Video: CBS
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– Made me cry

In the interview, the Duchess also tells her version of the alleged rumors that abounded in British tabloids that Meghan had made her sister-in-law Duchess Kate cry before the royal wedding.

Meghan says that the rumors were not true, and claims that it was rather the opposite – that Kate made Meghan cry.

GREAT VOLTAGE: There is a lot of excitement associated with the interview with Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan that Oprah has done.
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– A few days before the wedding, she was upset about something with the dresses for the flower girls. It made me cry. It really hurt me, she says in the interview, and emphasizes that there was no confrontation between the two.

According to Meghan, Duchess Kate, who is married to Prince William, apologized for the incident, and Meghan now describes her sister-in-law as “a good person”.

Duchess Kate has not yet commented on Meghan’s allegations.

SISTERS-IN-LAW: Duchess Kate and Duchess Meghan.  Photo: NTB
SISTERS-IN-LAW: Duchess Kate and Duchess Meghan. Photo: NTB
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– Never felt so lonely

Duchess Meghan also speaks well of her first meeting with Queen Elizabeth in the interview with Oprah Winfrey, and describes the first meeting between the two as “nice”.

However, she makes no secret of the fact that she did not find herself at ease in the British royal family, and claims that the “institution”, as she calls it, placed a number of restrictions on what she could do.

– Nothing is what it looks like, she says, and adds that she was almost not allowed to leave the house.

– I have never felt so lonely, she says, and says that she missed public support from the royal family when it stormed the worst around her in the press.

– Be terrified

– They are willing to lie to hide the truth, but not tell the truth to support me and my husband, she says, but emphasizes that the queen has been kind to her.

Meghan wished the British royal family had rectified the rumors that she made Duchess Kate cry, and says that it all finally reached a breaking point.

– I saw no solution. I sat up at night and did not understand how all this was pumped out. I did not see it myself, but people called me, family and friends, and said “Meghan, they do not protect you”. I did not want to be alive anymore, says the Duchess.

She says that she struggled with suicidal thoughts, and that she eventually went to Prince Harry.

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  • Kirkens SOS: 22 40 00 40
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Help for relatives:

  • LEVE, National Association for Survivors of Suicide: 22 36 17 00
  • National counseling telephone for relatives: 22 49 19 22

– I remember that he hugged me. I went to the institution and said I would go to a place for help. I was told that I could not because it would not be good for the institution.

– I was terrified, says Prince Harry about how he felt when Meghan told him she did not want to live anymore.

Buckingham Palace has not yet commented on the Oprah interview or the allegations of Duchess Meghan.

Prince Harry tells Oprah that he asked the royal family for help to cope with the enormous media pressure, but claims that the couple did not receive help.

To Oprah, the prince says that the only advice they received was “to accept that this was the way it was”.

Goes out against the father

Prince Harry eventually also took part in the conversation with Oprah, and when asked why they chose to withdraw from the royal life, he answers that they experienced a lack of support and understanding.

There are great expectations attached to the big interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, which will be broadcast tonight Norwegian time. See and Hear royal house expert believes they are building up to war.
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Harry also denies that they led the queen behind the light with the news, and at the same time emphasizes that he has deep respect and a good relationship with his grandmother.

In the interview, however, he reaches out to his own father, Prince Charles. Among other things, Prince Harry accuses the father of stopping answering him on the phone after they left Britain in favor of the United States.

The prince felt desperate when the turning point to withdraw came.

– I went to all the places I thought I should go to ask for help, we both did, each for ourselves and together, says Prince Harry.

– You traveled because you asked for help, and did not get it? asks Oprah.

– Yes, mostly. But we never traveled.

– We never left the family, Meghan shoots in.


Earlier this week, it was announced that Buckingham Palace has started an investigation allegations that Meghan allegedly bullied employees.

“We are obviously concerned about the accusations in The Times from former staff about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex,” it said in a statement. Independent.

Duchess Meghan’s spokesperson has called the statement “part of a smear campaign”.

The interview with the duke couple was broadcast on the TV channel CBS in the USA on Monday night, but can be seen on Norwegian TV on TV3 and the streaming service Viafree on Monday 8 March at 21:30.

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