Par Alexandra Saintpierre
Photo credit © SunocciPictures
( — At the end of 2022, the Group Dubuit inks achieves an increase in turnover of +9.9% compared to the end of December 2021. It stands at 22.72 million euros (20.68 ME in 2021).
At constant exchange rates, sales for the year 2022 amounted to 22.2 ME, up +7.4% compared to the previous financial year.
The zero COVID policy led by China has paralyzed Chinese activity and amplified the shortages of existing raw materials in 2022. These situations come to thwart the activity of the group, which must maneuver with tensions on prices, on quantities and delivery times which weigh on the group’s results for 2022.
Despite the continued growth in activity, the situations of pressure on the prices of raw materials and energy have shown no sign of improvement which would have enabled the group to envisage an improvement in its results on the year 2022.
For 2023, the Group must remain vigilant as to the financial consequences that the rise in the cost of energy will have on its activity.