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Dubious channels: warning of counterfeit drugs

The Chamber of Pharmacists and the Pharmig once again warned of counterfeit medicines on Monday. “With such banned products, there are no quality and Origin control. Criminal gangs are putting human health at risk. The Corona crisis makes this problem particularly explosive, “said Raimund Podroschko, Vice President of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists.

“The illegal one trade with counterfeit drugs is likely to increase if one drug is in sight that promises healing or relief, “explained Podroschko with reference to an identical warning that Interpol released on Monday. The Secretary General of Pharmig made a similar statement Alexander Herzog: “I can understand that for fear of being infected with the coronavirus, many people are entitled to use any means to stay healthy, but to fall back on dubious ways to achieve a supposedly effective one drug getting your own health can be even more dangerous. “

“And by dubious ways I mean unregistered, unofficial online pharmacies that are founded with fraudulent intentions,” emphasized duke. The Chamber of Pharmacists called the population Medication exclusively in public pharmacy to buy. “Only in the pharmacy you have 100% certainty that they are not fakes, “said Podroschko.

“Particular caution is required (…) especially from the point at which such successful treatment is actually available. Counterfeiters will appear even more than before and advertise their fake medication through various channels.” said Pharmig general secretary duke.

Also Interpol general secretary Jürgen Stock warned that criminals will take advantage of the development of a coronavirus drug. The same can be seen with counterfeit medical products such as protective masks or disinfectants.

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