Home » today » Health » Dubai continued to lure stars and influencers despite pandemic, now it pays the price | Coronavirus

Dubai continued to lure stars and influencers despite pandemic, now it pays the price | Coronavirus

The emirates only announced light measures this time, unlike most European countries. In Dubai, hotels, restaurants and shops remained open and tourists could enjoy the many attractions that the city has to offer without any concerns. Want to go out for dinner? Hitting a ball? Or just enjoy a drink by the pool? No problem.

Those who arrived in the country only had to submit a negative PCR test of up to 96 hours old. At the airport, the temperature of all arriving passengers was measured and travelers could also be asked to undergo an additional test. Those who were positive had to be quarantined for fourteen days.

It could not prevent corona numbers from starting to advance at the end of December. As they rose, images continued to appear on social media of tourists and stars enjoying carefree holidays in the sun. Often to the great dismay of those who stayed at home. Also in the Netherlands, where non-essential travel was strongly discouraged during that period.

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