Home » today » Health » DSP Arad launches the information campaign “And you can prevent cancer” – Glasul Aradului

DSP Arad launches the information campaign “And you can prevent cancer” – Glasul Aradului

The Public Health Directorate of Arad County, through the Health Assessment and Promotion department, is organizing the cancer campaign in May 2022.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death, according to reports on “Health in the EU” and the second leading cause of death from cardiovascular disease.

At the level of Arad county, information activities will be carried out focused on raising awareness and informing the general population (students and teachers / doctors in educational institutions; beneficiaries and care staff in residential centers, employees of companies), in the online environment, on the DSPArad website and on the account and facebook page “Arad Promovarea Sanatatii”.

However, neoplastic disease not only affects the health and life of the patient, but also affects the entire health and social protection system, while at the same time affecting the growth of the workforce itself, economic growth and government budgets.

It is imperative that health systems become more efficient, accessible and effective in cancer detection and treatment.

Cancer is a process of transforming normal cells into tumor cells.

These changes are the result of the interaction between personal genetic factors and external factors that favor the appearance of neoplasms – physical carcinogens (ultraviolet and ionizing radiation); chemical carcinogens (asbestos, aflatoxin – food contaminant, arsenic – drinking water contaminant); and biological carcinogens (viral infections, bacteria, parasites).

Neoplastic disease occurs in people of all ages.

Carried out under the slogan “Take care of your health! A healthy lifestyle and controlling risky behaviors increase your chances of not becoming a cancer patient! ”, The theme of the cancer campaign in 2022, And you can prevent cancer!

The aim of the campaign is: to raise public awareness of behavioral risk factors, which can trigger or promote the evolution of cancer!

The campaign aims to increase the level of information and awareness of the population on:

-the importance of knowing the behavioral risk factors that can promote cancer,

– active measures to reduce behavioral risk factors (smoking cessation, reduction of alcohol consumption, body weight control, adoption of a healthy lifestyle, etc.).

The main messages of the campaign are:

-accurate information on the various risk factors is essential for the effectiveness of prevention and the reduction of their harmful effects,

-certain cancers (lung, breast, colorectal, etc.) can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle,

– Awareness of the impact of behavioral risk factors in triggering cancer can save your life.

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