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DSM head office to Maastricht: Heerlen ‘disappointed’ | 1Limburg

Fine chemicals group DSM is moving its head office from Heerlen to Maastricht. With this, the chemical giant is leaving the mining city of Heerlen 120 years after it was founded.

Heerlen says it is very disappointed with the decision.

‘Debt of Honor’
The municipal council speaks of a ‘debt of honour’ to Heerlen and says that with its departure, DSM will drop Heerlen and the Oostelijke Mijnstreek – nowadays referred to as Parkstad Limburg.

“For more than a century, DSM (Dutch State Mines) has been a beacon of trust for our city and the entire mining region. The company, for which Heerlenaren have rolled up their sleeves under very difficult circumstances for years, has always remained loyal to Heerlen and that was something to be proud of. Frankly, we find that this bond is now being broken, “says mayor Roel Wever.

“With the move, it feels as if DSM wants to permanently sever the link with the mining past. This is also apparent from the company’s position in the national mining damage file. We will therefore certainly appeal to DSM about its history and the value that the company has gained as a result. Not only with regard to compensation to Heerlen in general, but also with regard to the location of the current DSM office in particular,” Wever continues.

‘Koempel mentality’
The mayor also speaks of a bloodletting that makes you sad. At the same time, he expects the city and region to get over it. “Since the closure of the mine, we have already dealt with a lot of setbacks. Our co-op mentality, where we roll up our sleeves, always helps us get back on track”, says Wever. “That’s why we don’t look back at grudges, but set out on new adventures. As true pioneers, we seize our opportunities and maintain our pride.”

New building in Maastricht
DSM will have a brand new head office on Wilhelminasingel, in the center of Maastricht. Work on the new head office will continue for the next year and a half. It will be a combination of the former Euroscoop and the Craft School, located at the foot of the Wilhelmina Bridge. The building should be ready by the end of 2023.

Not leaving the region
Maastricht says it is pleased that DSM has chosen the Limburg capital ‘despite the fact that there were also other options outside the region’. “We sympathize with Heerlen that DSM sees the departure, but it is very important that employment remains in our region. Moreover, DSM has a historical link with South Limburg and it will be preserved in this way. We are very grateful to DSM for that.” , said Mayor Annemarie Penn-Te Strake.

The province and the municipality of Maastricht will each contribute 1.75 million euros to the realization of the new head office. The provincial contribution is approximately 5 percent of the construction costs, said Deputy Stephan Satijn (VVD) in a statement to the Limburg Parliament. It also states that DSM’s decision is irrevocable. It also appears that DSM has commissioned external agencies to conduct location and development studies for a new location for its head office, one of which could be Maastricht.

Deputy Satijn thinks the provincial contribution is justified because it means that DSM will be retained for Limburg, ‘close to its roots’. At the same time, the high-quality employment of approximately 700 employees in Limburg will be maintained. Furthermore, Limburg will remain a leader in the field of health, nutrition and materials. And vacant – partly monumental – real estate is being renovated in a sustainable way, according to Satijn in his announcement.

Support Heerlen
He also speaks of an increase in the quality of life and quality of public space and of a positive impulse for the international reputation of Limburg and the Euregional profile of the region. Satijn also wants to consult with the municipality of Heerlen to see whether and in what way the province can support the city in the ‘task that the loss of DSM’s head office will undoubtedly entail’.

‘Reinventing Heerlen’
The deputy describes the departure from Heerlen and the relocation of a large number of jobs as a major drain for the city. “The unparalleled resilience of Heerlen, a city that has successfully reinvented itself time and again, is once again called upon,” said Satijn.

Heerlen building
DSM’s head office is owned by the company, so the company itself decides what will happen to it. DSM has already indicated that the company wants to work closely with the municipality to find a new suitable owner for the office in Heerlen.

DSM itself qualifies the new head office as sustainable, modern and inspiring and a valuable, long-term solution. “It will be a visual translation of DSM’s culture and underpins the hybrid way of working in a clubhouse-like environment where people can meet and work together”, it is officially called. Hybrid working means that employees work partly in the office and partly at home.

The head office in Maastricht is being designed and built by project developers EDGE and 3W. The plan will be worked out in detail in the coming months. In any case, the building will be energy neutral and the highest sustainability standards will be applied. Construction should be completed by the end of 2023.

Sustainable and modern
“The new head office in Maastricht is more than just a new building. It will be an inspiring, healthy and open space that stylishly integrates into the environment and the community,” say co-CEOs Geraldine Matchett and Dimitri de Vreeze.

“We look forward to creating a modern, healthy working environment for employees and visitors where wellbeing and sustainability are central,” said both.

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