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Dry weather awaits New York this Tuesday night | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

patrol activitysharks on long beachesisland, due to severalincidents reported duringthe last daysadriana: where obviously notthere is danger of sharks is inthe swimming pools, to whereour guards arrivedweather.íctor: we return with jeúsópez live, from the poolde east harlem.jeús: quite hot, sealso feel the human warmthand the heat of the pavement.there are no sharks in the pool,but speaking of which, let’stalk about combinations veryimportant to you, yourchildren and we are healthyand safe on the beaches or in thepool.keep in mind that thesetemperatures are ideal forthe pool and the beach, butwe also have to bewatching over our children.always wear a vestlifeguard, even if you know how to swim.it is very important that you takeswimming classes, liketo learn first aid.important, do not consume alcoholno drugs in the water.his life and that of his childrenthey were in danger.let’s talk about theweather conditions, sincewe have a warningheat and you can see in thisradar image, where in theorange color covers the entiretri-state area toThursday, 8:00 p.m.If we arrive past thetemperatures until Thursday,let’s have that second waveof heat in the tri-state area.bronx, queens, manhattan and theI was garden in the next72 hours we will still haveshower due to instabilitythe heat that is in the area.not everyone sees that guyof precipitation and remainsvery high probability oftwenty%. there is a risk ofelectrical storms. thisstarting at 7:00 at night.in the coastal zone and impactingislip.escaping for friday,but if you want to go for theparks, love itbecause thebush makes thetemperatures don’t feel sohot in the shade.the wind will changedirection blowing from the south.this wind will bring thehumidity and tomorrow’s daygoing to feel with the index ofheat exceeding three

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