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Dry mouth could be a sign of a serious illness

Feeling dry in the mouth usually poses no threat to the body. The symptom usually just means that the person is thirsty, or has talked too much during a conversation, for example. However, there are serious and uncomfortable conditions that can cause a dry mouth sensation.

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If you feel your mouth getting dry very often and nothing improves the problem, you should be alert. Look for an expert to find out what the reason for this is.

4 Serious and Annoying Health Conditions That Cause Dry Mouth Feelings

Know 4 serious diseases that can present a dry mouth sensation in the patient. Check out a little more about each of them.

Remember that the information presented here does not replace the evaluation of a doctor specialized in the subject.

1 – Diabetes

One of the symptoms of diabetes is dry mouth, with both type 1 and type 2 having the same condition. The disease results in high blood sugar concentration and needs proper treatment. Medications that are used to lower glucose levels can also cause a dry mouth feeling.

2 – HIV

After AIDS settles in the body, the patient feels constant thirst and one of the symptoms is that the mouth is often dry. Problems with canker sores and dental disorders are common in people with HIV.

3 – Sinusitis

Allergies present in the airways also result in the sensation of dry mouth. Sinusitis, specifically, is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the internal cavities of the face. The sinuses become inflamed due to the presence of viruses and bacteria. Constant mouth breathing causes the area to remain dry.

Kidney failure causes dry mouth

Finally, kidney failure is a chronic and serious health condition that also causes dry mouth in the patient. The problem appears when one or two kidneys stop working perfectly for some external or genetic reason.

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