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Drunken men leave pony behind on a terrace in the middle of Den Bosch

Two drunken men aged 30 and 44 tied a pony on a terrace in the center of Den Bosch on Monday evening and left it behind. How they got the pony is still a big mystery. “The men could not give a sensible answer about where the animal came from,” says Ans van Kollenburg of the animal ambulance.

The animal ambulance received a report from the Grand Café Carras in the Karrenstraat in Den Bosch on Monday evening. The men had eaten there and were drunk. “Apparently they tied a pony on the terrace. It was a shetlander or mini pony,” says Van Kollenburg.

The animal may have been stolen. “The police put the men through their paces, but nothing useful came out of it. They should first sleep it off. The police have their details and will contact them again later.” A call is placed on Facebook, in the hope that someone recognizes the pony.

The animal ambulance was called to pick up the pony. “My colleagues Eric and Joke were present. But we don’t have a trailer ourselves. Hokazo, a befriended animal ambulance from Uden, therefore came to assist with a trailer.”

The animal has now been picked up and taken to the Hokazo shelter. According to Van Kollenburg, the pony is doing well. He got some roots and got nothing out of the stunt. “But of course this is absolutely not the intention. Every sane person understands that.”

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