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Drunken man rushes towards border control

Accident – Vehicles are parked on the road after an accident. – © Photo: Stefan Sauer/dpa/Symbolbild

A drunk drove towards border officials on Autobahn 8 in Berchtesgadener Land at around 100 kilometers per hour and then crashed into the rear of a truck without braking. All four occupants of the car suffered moderate injuries in the accident; the police officers and the truck driver were not injured, as the Bavarian Red Cross announced on Sunday.

The 23-year-old driver of the small car reportedly ignored both the speed limit of 10 kilometers per hour at the border station on Walserberg near Bad Reichenhall and the police signals to stop on Saturday evening. The federal police officers were able to jump to the side in time before the car crashed into a trailer truck that was just passing the checkpoint. The four occupants had to be taken to the hospital. The driver’s alcohol test showed a value of 1.5 per mille. The police estimate the damage at a total of around 50,000 euros.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:220410-99-868445/2

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