Fuldaer ZeitungKinzigtal
A drunk man crashed his car into a new building in the Main-Kinzig district. Two pedestrians were just able to save themselves (symbolic photo). © Marijan Murat/dpa
A drunk man crashed his car into a new building in Bad Orb in the Main-Kinzig district. Two pedestrians were just able to save themselves. The accident caused damage of more than 150,000 euros.
Bad Orb – As the South East Hesse Police Headquarters in Offenbach am Main announced in a press release on Friday (October 20th), the accident occurred on Thursday evening around 7:45 p.m. on Frankfurter Strasse in Bad Orb in the Main-Kinzig district.
A married couple was just able to avoid being hit by a car. According to initial findings, a 59-year-old man is said to have lost control of his silver-colored car due to inappropriate speed. As a result, he broke through a construction fence.
Main-Kinzig district: High damage to new building in car accident – pedestrians save themselves
It crashed into the facade of a residential building. “A 65-year-old woman and her 66-year-old husband from Bad Orb were on the footpath at the time. They saw the vehicle coming towards them, feared they would be hit by it and ran as quickly as possible,” reported police spokeswoman Claudia Benneckenstein.
“This probably allowed them to get to safety at the last moment.” The couple remained uninjured. The driver of the Kia suffered minor injuries as a result of the accident. He was taken to hospital after receiving initial medical treatment.
According to police, the 59-year-old was probably under the influence of alcohol. A breath alcohol test carried out showed a value of 1 per mille. According to the police, a blood sample was taken from him and his driver’s license was confiscated.
“The almost completed new building suffered material damage estimated at 150,000 euros. The car that caused the accident was totaled. The statics of the residential building must now be checked due to the accident,” the police spokeswoman concluded.
Meanwhile, the police’s state security agency is investigating an insult to a driver who may have had an anti-Semitic background. The officers launched a call for witnesses after the incident that occurred in Bad Soden-Salmünster in Kinzigta.
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