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Drunk young people in several places – the police ask parents to take action – VG

MANY DRUNK YOUNG PEOPLE: In Fredrikstad 17 May. Illustration photo. Photo: Terje Pedersen

Drunk youth under 18, drugs and fighting: Now the police are asking parents to take action.


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At 20.30 on Monday night, the police in Stavanger are in the process of solving a rally with more than 400 young people aged 12 to 20 years.

Operations Manager Steinar Knudsen says there are already six or seven serious incidents at the site – and says that there is still “more than enough to deal with”. The police estimate that the young people have been partying on the spot for an hour and a half.

– When it comes to the serious incidents, we are talking about intoxicated youth under the age of 18, fighting, a person under the age of 18 who was drugged down and had to be picked up by an ambulance. There are no reviews yet, but we will not ignore that it will be, Knudsen says to VG.

The young people had gathered at Vaulen swimming area, a natural place for young people to gather when the weather is nice, according to the operations manager. There is no indication that this was an advertised collection.

Now the police are asking the parents to take action:

– But I have asked not to drive into the area because it only goes one way through a residential area, but contact them by phone or walk down here to pick them up, Knudsen says.

Young people aggressive towards the police in Fredrikstad

At 20.50, the police in the East report that “several dogs young people” are aggressive and use violence against the police Stortorvet in Fredrikstad. It happens five hours after the police first asked parents in Fredrikstad to contact their young people, after meeting too many drunk young people.

THE SEA: Hundreds of youths aggressive according to police: Throws glass and stone

Drunk teens at Jessheim

Also at Jessheim, many young teenagers were gathered, and many of them were so drunk that they could not escape from the long arm of the law.

– There are many underage teenagers who drink alcohol and possibly take other drugs. When we arrived, several ran from the place, but some were unable to run away. Parents: check the status of your children and pick them up if they are drunk, urged Eastern Police District at 7 p.m.

Teenagers outside Oslo S

With the exception of the May 17 train with corona demonstrators which was stopped in Karl Johans gate in Oslo, there have not been many incidents for the police in the capital.

– The weather has probably put a damper on accumulations outdoors. It has been very calm, says operations manager Per-Ivar Iversen in the Oslo police to NTB.

Admittedly, the Oslo police reported early in the evening about a large gathering of young people down to the age of twelve outside Oslo S. The young people were in gangs of up to 20 people.

– Infection control is not complied with. Parents are asked to contact their young people and get them home, the Oslo police’s request reads on Twitter. Four were expelled from the site. No intoxication has been reported, according to the operations manager.

– There were some hints of clashes earlier, but we got it loose very quickly, he says at 20.40.

On the night of the 17th, a number of russ were gathered in parks in Oslo. Iversen does not rule out that it can also happen on the night of the 18th, but emphasizes that the weather does not invite activity.

Russebil with people on the roof

In Gol, the driver of a Russian car was reported to have driven with people on the roof, as well as suspicion of drink-driving, Sørøst police district writes on Twitter.

Also in Møre og Romsdal, the police told of several reports during the weekend about coaches that have had people on the roof while driving.

– This can lead to confiscation of the driver’s license. Passengers must be inside the car while driving, the police state.

In Kristiansand, the police have asked two coaches to end a party at the old stadium, after a report of young people partying and smashing glass.

At 20.45, an intoxicated boy has been transported to the emergency room. He was found lying on the street at Gartnerløkka, and was in and out of consciousness when the patrol found him.

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