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Drunk passenger pees in the middle of the cabin

An Indian student was arrested after arriving at Delhi airport after urinating on himself and a fellow traveler during the flight.

The man, who is studying in the United States, was on his way from New York JFK Airport to India. According to one report, the traveler drank a lot of alcohol during the flight and was drunk after some time.

The flight was operated by American Airlines. The airline announced the following about the incident: ‘The flight was met by the police on arrival in Delhi due to a disruptive passenger. The purser stated that the passenger was heavily intoxicated and did not follow the crew’s instructions. He repeatedly argued with staff, was unwilling to sit down, and constantly endangered the safety of the crew and the aircraft. After he also disturbed the peace of fellow passengers, he eventually urinated on the traveler next to him.’


The main victim of the incident, the fellow passenger sitting next to the drunken student, decided not to press charges “because the man apologized and feared it would ruin his reputation and career.” American Airlines thinks otherwise and has filed a complaint. The Indian police said that “every strong action will be taken against him to prevent such actions in the future.”


It is not the first time that passengers look too deep into the glass in an airplane and then misbehave. In 2022, a drunk man tried to open the door during a TUI flight. In addition to alcohol, he had also used cocaine. A few years earlier, a British man tried to master his fear of flying by consuming too much alcohol, after which he peed all over the toilet cubicle. During his escape attempt, he knocked over a flight attendant and then fell down the plane’s stairs and his face hit the tarmac.

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