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Drug found in the car

On Monday afternoon, a patrol by the Ochsenfurt police inspected a 21-year-old driver in Aub. The officers quickly learned that the driver was under the influence of narcotics. When asked about this, he tried to escape.

However, after a short sprint, the officers caught up with the man and held him, as the police report said. The reason for the escape was quickly clear: in the 21-year-old’s vehicle, several small portioned bags with marijuana were found.

The man then had to accompany the officers to the office. A blood sample was taken from suspected drug users. At the request of the Wrzburg public prosecutor, a search warrant was issued for the 21-year-old’s apartment.

The 21-year-old is now awaiting trial for violating the Narcotics Act and driving under the influence of drugs.

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