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Drug addicts can recover thanks to exercise, this is scientific evidence

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Did you know that exercise can prevent the younger generation from the dangers of drug abuse? In fact, it turns out that exercise can also help an addict escape the influence of drugs, you know!

Not only good for health, research reveals that exercise can reduce the risk of recurrence of addictive behavior and reduce addiction.

If done regularly, exercise can reduce anxiety, stress, and depression, and can have an effect similar to the chemicals given by drugs.

Sports Medicine Specialist, dr. Andhika Raspati, SpKO explained, when exercising, the body will release chemicals called endorphins. Substances derived from the word Endogenous Morphine or natural morphine from the body that gives effects similar to the use of morphine, such as causing a feeling of happiness to relieve pain.

However, the effect of “fly“The product produced from exercise is certainly different from morphine, whose addictive effects come from harmful substances that actually have a detrimental impact on the body.

Well, after running or exercising, we usually experience runner’s high. Quoting from WebMD, the American Council’s Head of Science on exercise explains that Runner’s High is an expression that runners describe about the positive psychological effects when exercising at a certain rhythm for a long duration.

The description of the feeling of euphoria Runners high this is also accompanied by a positive outlook on life, as well as providing additional energy.

So, although exercise and drugs have the same addictive effect, which is to make you feel happy, the effects resulting from exercise are clearly more beneficial because they provide benefits for both physical and mental health.

Recommended types of sports to do

If you have trouble deciding what type of exercise you want to do, here are some types of exercise that can be a reference and their benefits to reduce addiction and stay away from drugs.

1. Outdoor sports

According to a 2012 journal published by the United States National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), exercise can increase levels of the happiness hormone or dopamine in the body.

You can do many kinds of outdoor sports. It doesn’t have to be heavy, just 15 minutes of brisk walking helps you to fight addiction, you know!

The important thing to remember, while exercising, try to stay focused, OK!

2. Yoga

Who is not familiar with this type of sport. In addition to practicing breathing, the movements while doing yoga also train your focus and concentration. This is why many rehabilitation facilities use yoga as part of their recovery program. Because meditation in yoga can reduce anxiety and stress that triggers the desire to take drugs.

3. Strength training

Strength training either with one’s own body weight or with weights can improve sleep cycles which are beneficial in drug recovery and stress relief.

Moreover, quoted from Halodoc, doing strength training properly and regularly can help maintain body flexibility and balance and help improve posture.

4. Sports games

Football, basketball, volleyball, badminton and other game sports provide a competitive and positive environment that helps in long-term recovery.

In order for the exercise to provide optimal benefits for the body, a good frequency to do is 3-5 times a week. Moreover, research from the University of Buffalo, United States reveals, active and regular exercise can heal memory in the part of the brain associated with addiction.

So, physical activity is proven to increase self-confidence and hone personal to be tough and able to resist the temptation of narcotics. As a bonus, we can maintain a better and positive mood. A powerful way to help the recovery process, and prevent a relapse, would be to take drugs.

Come on, enjoy a healthier addiction by exercising and avoiding drug consumption!

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