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Drug-addicted man slashes grandmother to death in Roi Et, Thailand: Police arrest suspect

Roi Et – Young man who is a slave to methamphetamine, uses it until he hallucinates, his ears are ringing, he grabs a knife and slashes the neck and head of his 63-year-old grandmother who always took care of her to help her, she dies before escaping on a bicycle. In the end, he was caught by the police immediately. Gothon claims that the curse has already caused the death of 5 people in the house.

At 2:00 p.m. on December 18, 2023, Pol. Col. Kritphiwat Preedaphan, superintendent of At Samat Police Station, Roi Et Province, was informed by phone that There was an incident where a methamphetamine addict used a knife to cut an elderly person to death at house number 105, Village No. 6, Ban Chi Lon, Ban Chaeng Subdistrict, At Samat District, along with Police Lieutenant Colonel Suriya Yodwong, Deputy Superintendent (P), doctor on duty. The hospital may and Mr. Itchet Nakate, Atsamart District Chief traveled to the scene of the accident

When they arrived, they found the body of Mrs. Nubon Pankaew, 63 years old, the wife of the owner of the house. He was lying dead on the ground in the middle of the courtyard. The corpse had 1 wound to the head and another serious wound to the neck. Blood was flowing all over the floor. As for the perpetrator, the name is Mr. Kittipoj Lunnakan, 29 years old, living at house number 52, Village No. 6, only 1 house away from the deceased’s house to the south. When he committed the crime, he fled on a bicycle.

From the initial investigation, it was found that Mr. Kittipot, this brutal murderer, was a drug addict. Have you ever received therapy? Previously, on November 28, Mr. Kittiphot had attacked Mr. Weerawat Pankaew, age 75, the husband of the deceased. By using a hammer to hit a nail into the left side of the forehead until it was injured. And there are still scars. At that time, when the police were notified, nothing could be done. Because this accused is a mental patient. Throughout the past, the family of the deceased has always provided care and assistance to the perpetrators. Because the parents are all dead living alone

Later, the police followed up and arrested Mr. Kittiphot. After riding a bicycle through the rice fields near the village As for the knife used in the crime They still haven’t said where they left it. And when asked Why did he commit the crime? The accused said that the people of this house had cursed the lives of 5 people in their house.

For Mr. Kittiphot, the perpetrator of this crime lived alone. Because the parents have all died. Later, he got involved with amphetamines, causing abnormal symptoms until it was heard that the people in the deceased’s house had cursed the people in their own house until they died. So there was anger.

which while Mr. Kittiphot went to cause the incident Images from a nearby security camera captured the image.

From questioning Mr. Weerawat, the deceased’s husband, he learned that before the incident the deceased was sitting and chopping mangoes. and make dipping sauce at the wooden courtyard table. to sell to children students after school As for himself, he was in the bathroom and heard a voice saying, “Help me,” so he hurried out of the bathroom and carried a wooden mallet. When the murderer saw him, he ran quickly. Riding a bicycle, fleeing from the scene.

2023-12-18 13:39:27
#young #man #addicted #methamphetamine #hallucinated #grabbed #knife #cut #grandmothers #killing #escaping #bicycle

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