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Drowning accident at Yunei River in Xiaowulai, Taoshi: 3 fatalities and family statements

2023/07/11 18:05

A graduate from Shentan No. 5 Junior High School in the upper reaches of Yunei River in Xiaowulai, Taoshi drowned, and firefighters went up the river to rescue them. (Photographed by reporter Li Rongping)

First post 16:21
Update time 18:05 (3 new deaths and family members’ statement)

[Reporter Li Rongping/Taoyuan Report]Affected by the southwest wind, the weather in various places is sunny and hot. A drowning accident occurred at 1:33 p.m. 7 graduates of Daxi Junior High School used their summer vacation to meet and go for fun. 5 of them proposed to swim in the deep pool and accidentally drowned. The fourth brigade of the fire department was reported to dispatch a total of 16 firefighters, 3 fire trucks and 3 ambulances. rescue. Three of the students died after being sent to the hospital, and the other two escaped on their own.

It is understood that the five junior high school graduates disappeared after entering the deep pool. Two of them swam to the other side after drowning. Due to lack of energy, they called for help on the shore. The other three sank into the water and were caught in the whirlpool and could not escape. The equipment was put into the water to save people, and the three people were declared dead at 5:17 and 5:26 p.m., respectively. The family members who rushed to the hospital were very sad. , friends from the same year met on a trip to celebrate, “I just said that I went to Xiaowu to play with my high school admitted classmates, but I didn’t expect to go to play in the water, and I died playing!”

The grandfather and uncle of the student surnamed Su said that they couldn’t accept the bad news at all. The child was brought up from a young age, and no matter what, they rushed to the hospital when they heard the news. They didn’t know what happened to the child. The two students on the shore will know the scene.

The grandfather surnamed Su choked up and said that his grandson is a good boy, just like ordinary children, playing basketball and going out for a walk. Today, when he heard that the exam-free entrance examination was announced, he went out with his classmates; the uncle surnamed Su also said that the seven of them are good friends , I received the high school admission notice today, had lunch with my children at noon, and made an appointment to go out to Xiaowulai together at almost 1 in the afternoon. I didn’t expect this accident to happen.

In fact, the Yunei River Playing Area in Fuxing District, Taoyuan City is the only legally announced open stream playing area in Taoyuan City. Tickets only cost 50 yuan in copper coins. Every summer, it attracts a large number of people to play in the water to cool off. The “Landscape and Recreation System Improvement Project in Luofu Xiaowulai Area” started on May 28. The water play area, which was open from June to September in previous years, was canceled due to the project. The overall project is expected to be completed by the end of October this year.

However, the drowning accident today occurred upstream of the Yunei Bridge, which is adjacent to the Yisheng Visitor Center. It is an area where water play is prohibited throughout the year. The public is reminded not to play in the unopened water area to ensure personal safety.

A graduate from Shentan No. 5 Junior High School in the upper reaches of Yunei River in Xiaowulai, Taoshi drowned, and firefighters went up the river to rescue them. (Photographed by reporter Li Rongping)

A graduate from Shentan No. 5 Junior High School in the upper reaches of Yunei River in Xiaowulai, Taoshi drowned, and firefighters went up the river to rescue them. (Photographed by reporter Li Rongping)

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2023-07-11 10:05:00
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