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Drostens Coronavirus podcast: Listeners fear the worst – now he is distributing correctly

This announcement hit the most loyal listeners of the NDR podcast about virologist Christian Drosten’s corona crisis.

  • In the 50th episode of the NDR podcast on the Corona crisis, Christian Drosten classifies the danger posed by Sars-CoV-2 in the coming weeks.
  • The Berlin virologist is expecting a significantly changed situation again soon.
  • He also throws a dark thesis into the room with regard to schools and daycare centers.
  • Here are the basic ones Corona virus facts* as well as the current Case numbers in Germany as a map*. The following also currently apply Recommendations for corona protective measures*. All information on the subject is also available on our Facebook page Corona-News.

Update June 24, 2020, update 11.30 a.m .: Virologist Christian Drosten has now explained on Twitter why he needs a podcast break. A listener previously posted that Drosten had appeared “thin-skinned” for the first time and that he was giving him a break. Thereupon Drosten rumbled again against the picture: “They are unending, subordinate and aggressive inquiries from the Bild newspaper. Almost every day that costs me, the Charité press office, and two media lawyers hours of our working time. It’s been like this for over a month. “

Video: The questionable methods of the Bild newspaper

Drosten: No more Corona podcast until the end of August – fans worried

Update June 24, 2020, update 9.50 a.m .: After 50 episodes there will now be a long summer break: The NDR-Podcast with virologist Christian Drosten is now paused until the end of August. Right now, of all people, you could say, because in recent days there have been more and more outbreak reports in Germany. Drosten himself believes it is possible that a second wave of infection will spill into the country during the holiday season (see first report below) if precautionary measures are not observed.

His loyal listeners already fear the worst: Drosten could finally lose interest in continuing until August because he receives numerous threats and is hostile. He also often complains that his statements are presented in abbreviated form by the media. For example, he retweeted a sketchy quote from his podcast on Wednesday with the comment: “I’m tired of it too.”

Another fear of his fans: the Corona situation could get worse by then. This is how a Twitter user writes: “I hope it will continue at the end of August and we won’t be up to our neck in the mess.”

Others are saddened that they now have to do without the informative format firsthand for around two months. For many, the podcast episodes have become an integral part of their lives: “Feel empty,” replies one Twitter user, another: “I don’t want to spend my Tuesday evenings differently.” Whether this encouragement of the virologists actually does his media work to continue?

Coronavirus: Drosten with a bleak summer forecast – “Peaceful situation like now” over in July?

Munich – In Germany, the Midsummer wide. For many citizens it will probably be the strangest of their lives, because Corona-Pandemie* Restrictions. About in terms of Contacts with friends and acquaintances* or numerous leisure activities. We are currently experiencing something like that calm before the storm – at least estimates Christian Drosten* the situation be like this.

The renowned virologist warns in the 50th edition of the NDR-Podcast “The Corona Virus Update” under the title “The virus is coming again” in front of those that will soon be felt again Effects from Sars-CoV-2: “I am not optimistic that we will have one in a month peaceful situation we have now, as far as epidemic activity is concerned. ”Even in midsummer, we have to adjust to another normality.

Anything but normal: In Berlin, the school leaving certificates were issued on the sports field with distance rules.

© dpa / Kay Nietfeld

Drosten in the Corona podcast: “Now switch on all alarm sensors”

For Drosten it is clear that action must be taken as quickly as possible: “In two months we will have a problem if we are not now switch on all alarm sensors and if we don’t see in the population that the Health authorities need support and consensus.“

At the same time, the director of the Berlin Charité praises the previous one Containing the pandemic in Germany. The current one Relaxation phase is not only due to the “summer effect” such as the increased temperatures. Rather, it is about the “calm that we have now taken from it very efficient brakes“. The also played Discipline of German citizens a crucial role, because: “We had no drastic lockdown at all, neither long nor very drastic.”

Drosten in the Corona podcast: “Terrible situation in southern US states – intensive care units already full”

A glance across the pond clearly shows that Germany should never rest on what has been achieved. “We are now looking into the southern american statesthat despite high ambient temperatures we are in a terrible situation run in. So the intensive care units in some areas are already full, ”Drosten points to the United States, which have had to fight new virus sources continuously since the first outbreak.

But also in Germany the signs would increase that “the virus is coming again”. After more than 1000 cases of infection in connection with the country’s largest meat company in Gütersloh, two counties were sent into the lockdown by the end of the month. The new type of corona virus spread rapidly again elsewhere. Whether in high-rise buildings like in Göttingen or in Berlin. Or at the company Wiesenhof, which specializes in poultry meat and is known beyond the national borders.

Lockdown imposed: Life in the district of Gütersloh stands still until the end of June.


Drosten in the Corona podcast: Winter temperatures prevail in affected meat businesses – an omen?

It always hits Companies from the meat processing industry. Because there, close physical work is done in closed and strongly cooled rooms. Which is inevitable Looking towards colder seasons* aimed, because for weeks experts have been expecting the corona virus to flare up again in autumn and winter.

This is also how Drosten sees it: “Of course, in winter we also have the situation of an unheated room, in which we do no air movement is, there can be any waiting areas at platforms or bus stops. ”Such unheated areas with protective walls and roof would result in“ maybe one Environmental situation that corresponds to the current cutting plants“.

Drosten in the Corona podcast: “Already be careful about developing a second wave”

Like so many colleagues, the native of Emsland doesn’t expect one exorbitant increase: “I don’t think that in the end it will be that that of us into a second wave leads. But I think we already have to be very careful about developing a second wave.“

And for Drosten it looks like this: “Not too many people, not in a closed room, that Disinhibition from alcohol certainly plays a role loud music, against whom you shout loudly, where of course more aerosol is formed in the throat – all these things are not good. ”Because we all have to be aware of one thing: Sars-CoV-2 was never really gone and will“ soon go unnoticed everywhere again be”.

Drosten in the Corona podcast: “You can’t test a virus away”

Also in schools and day care centers, which are to be used across the board again after the summer holidays to increase equal opportunities and to make it easier for many parents Children and teenagers completely in the facilities want to greet. Here, too, Drosten raises his finger warningly: “You cannot test a virus.” And too many positive cases could lead to “we suddenly realize: the consequence is that we have the everywhere Close schools again have to.”

Therefore, one conclusion can be as simple as it is devastating: “Maybe we can’t have virus-free schools.” The consequences to be derived from this should accordingly be the subject of a prompt discussion. According to Drosten, it is important that the “debate is socially conducted” and “preliminary considerations are made” by autumn.

Lessons with distance: a view of a classroom in Baden-Württemberg.

© dpa / Philipp von Ditfurth

Drosten in the Corona podcast: Do we have to discuss compulsory schooling at the end?

His urgent appeal to numerous critics who Imposing immunity on children* want: “Now we really have to stop spreading things that say: ‘Well, the students are not affected at all, so the schools can be opened after all.” “This is” misinformation “that can “fall on our feet”. Rather, the scientist stimulates Discussions about general compulsory schooling an.

This could be a topic for the summer vacation coming up, in which the course for the school of the future should be set. It is already working NDR podcast with Drosten in the Summer break until the end of August. The virus expert will by no means lean back in these weeks, but will advance his research. To return in episode 51 with new information.

Then we will also know whether his sentence for rapid end of the currently so peaceful corona situation was true. Let’s not hope so. (mg)

The first results of a study by US scientists are currently worrying. You have discovered a mutation in the corona virus that could make the virus more infectious. Meanwhile, the Austrian government’s Corona course is becoming more and more relaxed. While the first tourists return to the beach, residents of a European capital have to go back to the lockdown.

Meat factories have not only been criticized since Corona. Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner wants to ensure more sustainability with a steep price increase.

*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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