Home » today » Business » Drops drop sharply from China’s 9-year compulsory education system – Xinhua English.news.cn

Drops drop sharply from China’s 9-year compulsory education system – Xinhua English.news.cn

BEIJING, Dec.10 (Xinhua) – The number of students who drop out of school before completing nine years of compulsory education in China fell to 831 at the end of November, from around 600,000 at the start of 2019, an education ministry official said on Thursday.

At the end of 2019, the country’s nine-year free compulsory education completion rate was 94.8 percent, an increase of 1.8 percentage points from 2015, said Lyu Yugang, head of the basic education department of the ministry, at a press conference.

“The reduction in the number of school dropouts has laid a solid foundation for meeting the government’s target of a 95% completion rate by the end of 2020,” Lyu noted.

China offers nine years of compulsory and free education, including six years of primary education and three years of lower secondary education. End

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