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Drop everything to change region and job: five tips to follow – Economy

  • 1 Find out about the region of destination
  • It is obvious, before applying away from home, it is naturally necessary to know the destination where you want to settle: nearby services, climate, transport, leisure, etc. And if the ideal remains of course to spend time there, platforms such aseTerritory allow you to find all the services near a town. Pay attention also to the economic aspects which can vary considerably from one region to another: labor market, cost of living, real estate prices, levels of remuneration, etc.

  • 2 Do not obsess over pay levels
  • “Changing region to give a turn to your life is a global subject,” says Annabel Martin, director of the professional mobility support firm. Nomadic Careers, in Brest. “For example, you shouldn’t brace yourself on Parisian salaries and take into account the difference in the cost of living in the new region and above all the quality of life that you want”.

  • 3 Looking for a job for yourself…
  • It is well known, nothing better than the network and spontaneous applications to find a job. But for those who are too far from their destination region, there are many platforms and services to support them remotely. Like the site Mobiville, offered by Pôle emploi, or even Parisjetequitte.com, which recently attracted local authorities such as Quimper-Cornouaille, Redon (35), Vitré (35), Nantes and the Morbihan department to attract talent to their territory. “In general, we recommend starting your search three or four months before departure. Also, don’t hesitate to get closer to local HRD networks, which organize themselves to exchange CVs and job offers on a regular basis,” says Annabel Martin.

  • 4… and for his spouse
  • In many cases, the employment of the spouse can constitute an obstacle to the mobility of employees. To remedy this if teleworking is not an option, here again the local HRD networks and the local authorities are organizing themselves. Beyond exchanging CVs, some of them have even created specific platforms, like the regional site Ouestjobor from the site jobconjoints.bzh which covers the south of Brittany. Booming, employer groups can also be valuable allies in this search. In the meantime, the fact of leaving his current position for family reunification opens rights to unemployment.

  • 5 Seize mobility aids
  • There are several aids available to reduce the cost of moving. Organizations such as employment center and Housing action offer various schemes: mobility assistance of €1,000, temporary housing assistance, visa guarantee to cover any unpaid rent, Mobili-Pass, mobili-Jeune, etc. Other aid also exists to facilitate the mobility of employees at European level. Finally, some employers offer moving assistance that can cover all or part of the costs, and others even offer assistance in finding accommodation.

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