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drones show inmates bury dozens dead in mass graves on Hart Island

New York State, epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, has set a new daily death record, with 799 dead.

This state of nearly 20 million inhabitants would now have more than 7,000 dead, according to figures given daily by the governor, nearly half of the more than 14,800 deaths recorded in the United States by Johns Hopkins University.

And among them, people who have no family or whose entourage cannot afford a funeral. Which explains these drone images notably broadcast by the New York Post, where detainees in protective gear are seen placing dozens of coffin on the ground on Hart Island.

Burials of destitute people on this island by inmates are common in New York, but not in such proportions.

For decades, Hart Island has been used to bury deceased people who have not been claimed by family members. We will continue to use the island in this way during this crisis and it is likely that the deceased COVID who match this description will be buried on the island“, Mayor Spokesman Freddi Goldstein told The Post.

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