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Drones: Cheap Weapons Destroying Expensive Tanks in Ukraine-Russia Battlefield


Drone cheap weapons equipped with various explosives, apparently capable of wreaking havoc on tank expensive and armored vehicles, as well as other weapons on the battlefield of Ukraine against Russia.

Recently, a video appeared showing a first-person-view (FPV) drone allegedly crashing into the T-90M, an advanced Russian tank worth USD 4.5 million according to some estimates or around IDR 68 billion. That’s a lot more expensive than drones which are only a few hundred dollars.

Drone videos like the one above are becoming very common on the Ukraine vs Russia battlefield. Footage of attacks like this came out almost daily and the drones targeted not only tanks, but troop transport vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles as well as supply and ammunition trucks.

Moreover, there are no fighter jet flights in the same area because of the high risk of being shot down. The cost of a single FPV drone, like the one used in this raid, is around USD 400 to USD 500, about the same price as a new Playstation.

Equipped with explosives, these inexpensive drones can damage combat systems and cripple logistics and supplies to the front lines. “The overall point is price. The drone is very cost effective,” said Samuel Bendett, an analyst with the Center for Naval Analyzes.

The FPV drones used in the war in Ukraine are basically amateur flying munitions flying through the air. They are small in size and carry payloads weighing between 0.5 and three kilograms.

These drones are generally high-speed racing drones modified and assembled with parts usually sourced from China, armed with warheads made using explosives or anti-tank grenades.

Operators wear special goggles, which offer a first-person perspective and use a remote control to pilot the unmanned aerial vehicle. Both Russia and Ukraine are taking advantage of it. These drones are much cheaper than combat drones, for example Switchblade from America, which costs between USD 60 thousand to USD 80 thousand per unit.

Watch Video “Scarring Moments of Russian Drone Attacks Rain on Cities in Ukraine”


2023-08-09 08:15:15
#Cheap #Ukrainian #Drones #Hit #Russian #Tanks #Worth #IDR #Billion

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