Home » today » World » Drone technology, Basics | Norwegian drone technology is taking off in the world: – It is only found in Norway

Drone technology, Basics | Norwegian drone technology is taking off in the world: – It is only found in Norway

Kennet Nilsen was 19 years old and trained as an electrician when he decided he wanted to start his own company.

– When I worked as an electrician, I saw that we could do things in an easier way, but I was told by the management that I was an apprentice and that “they had been doing it this way for many years”. I had washed facades before and that’s how it started, says founder and general manager of KTV Group Kennet Nilsen to Nettavisen.

The then 19-year-old took out a loan of NOK 60,000 with his father as guarantor, and bought himself a car and a high-pressure washer.

30 years later, his company is valued at between 80-100 million.

– The response has been absolutely enormous

One of the latest inventions, a washing drone, has taken the market by storm. The project started in 2015, but it wasn’t until 2020 that the drone could wash facades and windows.

A high-rise block in Bergen the company used to spend three months cleaning, they now spend two days with the washing drone.

– After a year and a half of lots of testing, where we pushed the drone to the limit, we had a stable solution that works fantastically, says the entrepreneur.

In 2022, the company began marketing the product.

– The response has been absolutely enormous. It has gone in one go. We have daily meetings with different people from all over the world. We have had visits from people in Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Denmark and the Netherlands. It has gone very quickly, says Nilsen.

Nilsen also has no international competitors who can take the market share.

– We are the first to commercialize this technology on this scale. We are the only ones in the world who have commercialized this, he points out.

The requests are pouring in from all over the world.

– I think it’s a lot of fun to sit in meetings with people from all over the world who think what we’ve achieved is fantastic, says Nilsen.

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– You will have problems delivering

The inquiries often come from building owners. In Great Britain, KTV Working Drone has, among other things, been in contact with a property company the size of Obos in Norway.

– They have been looking for drones for several years and said they were going to need a hundred drones, says the entrepreneur.

In India, the need is even greater.

– A real estate developer in India said “if these drones can do what you tell them, you’re going to have trouble delivering as many drones as we need”

One of the reasons why the demand for the drone is so great is that the companies want greater security and an efficient system.

– People don’t have to climb ropes and use lifts to do the work. Larger property managers are particularly concerned about security. They don’t want people climbing on their buildings, they want something that is safe and secure.

Dust is also a major problem in many parts of the world.

– It simply means that you have to wash even more.

Nevertheless, it is not just about delivering the drone and bringing the turnover home to Norway.

– We saw quite early on that we had to put everything in a system. Those who will use the drones must have permission from the authorities, routines and need a system. We had to deliver a complete solution.

KTV Working Drone has already signed contracts with Australia, New Zealand and Denmark, but the turnover will not come until 2023.

– It takes three to six months to get permits in the various countries, Nilsen points out.

– Are you afraid that the drones will not be approved?

– We may encounter problems, but those who prepare all the papers in connection with the risk analysis say that we score low. According to the Drone Academy, it should not be possible to say no to this. Basically, this should be law all over the world, says Nilsen.

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– I have 30 new ideas every year

– If you look back 30 years ago, did you think it would go so well?

– Yes, I had it. I am a typical entrepreneur. We have developed and tried a lot of things. We have four development projects underway and have spent well over 100 million on development, says Nilsen.

What is the tip for other budding entrepreneurs?

– An entrepreneur is a typical person who questions things. An entrepreneur never stops and always asks why one does things in a particular way.

– Many industries and sectors are traditional, he adds.

Nilsen says entrepreneurial life is all about thinking a little differently, and seeing the possibilities.

– I have 30 new ideas every year, but I don’t have time to implement them all.

In addition, it requires patience.

– It took five years with the drone before we got it working. When there are many problems, one must not give up, he emphasizes.

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Only in Norway

One of the partners is the Australian business developer Leo Ruiu.

– It is only in Norway that there are washing drones, and the KTV Working Drone is a revolution. I am impressed by how quickly and efficiently the drone cleans buildings, says Ruiu.

The business developer has been to Norway twice to gain insight into the KTV Working Drone. Ruiu says that potential partners have already notified their interest.

Ruiu will develop a network of local franchisees who will use the Norwegian drones. As of now, there is talk of 3,000 washing drones.

In theory, Australia alone can use 3,000 washing drones and the drones will be able to work every day all year, according to Ruiu.

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