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DRK Herten urgently asks for blood donations

The supply of blood donations remains critical. Therefore, the DRK Herten renewed its urgent call and offers another blood donation appointment – this time with a farm connection.

The Red Cross Herten is calling for a special blood donation appointment in Scherlebeck on Tuesday, July 19. The blood donation mobile is at Brunnenhof in Ried, Riedstrasse 169 from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

“So you can sit outside in the farmer’s cafe and enjoy the beautiful weather for a little longer and still have a good feeling of having become a lifesaver.”

As reported, the effects of the corona pandemic and a high volume of travel have been causing a decline in the willingness to donate blood for weeks. During the summer holidays, the supply of blood products is critical nationwide.

The DRK blood donation service asks everyone who would like to donate blood to contact us in advance www.blutspende.jetzt reserve a blood donation time. This means that anyone can donate blood without waiting and under the highest possible safety and hygiene standards.

Blood donation in Corona times

The 3G regulation has been lifted. However, the obligation to wear medical mouth and nose protection (at least a surgical mask) still applies. After a corona vaccination, no deferral of the blood donation is required. If there are no vaccination reactions such as fever or nausea, vaccinated people can donate blood again the following day.

The donated blood is not tested for SARS-CoV-2 because, according to current scientific knowledge, the virus cannot be transmitted by blood transfusion. There is therefore no danger for the patients and transfusion recipients.

After recovering from a severe corona infection (e.g. with fever), you can donate blood again no later than four weeks after recovery. After a mild corona disease (runny nose or cold symptoms), you can donate blood again one week after the symptoms have subsided. All information and current regulations are summarized here: https://www.blutspendedienst-west.de/corona

This is why blood donations are so important

In North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland alone, up to 3500 blood units are needed every day. One blood donation can help up to three sick or injured people. A blood donation is help that arrives and gives seriously ill patients a chance of survival.

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