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DRK calls for life-saving blood donations


The local DRK Barsinghausen association, together with the blood donation service, invites you to donate blood at the Bert Brecht School in Barsinghausen (Schulstraße 5) on Friday, December 30, from 16:00 to 19:30. Blood donations are urgently needed at the moment, many regular donors are currently ill, this is causing the number of donors to drop at times sharply and is reflecting on the supply. In principle, any healthy adult between the ages of 18 and 68 (as a first-time donor between the ages of 18 and 59) can donate blood. Blood donations in old age are possible according to the individual decision of the doctors of the DRK blood donation service. Women can donate blood four times, men even six times in twelve months. There must be an interval of at least eight weeks (56 days) between two blood donations. It is possible to book an appointment, but it is not necessary. An FFP2 mask must be worn when donating blood.

Photo: DRC

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