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driving styles that reduce fuel consumption

Saving on petrol is possible if you adopt suitable driving styles to reduce fuel consumption. Let’s find out what they are to safeguard your wallet!

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Gasoline it is becoming more and more expensive and consumption costs are high especially for those who use the car daily to grind several kilometers. Fortunately, there are gods tricks which allow you to obtain a nice saving and which are easily achievable. In fact, they refer to driving habits that can be changed with a little attention.

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How to reduce gasoline consumption

Some driving styles cause a greater waste of fuel. Simply by changing your habits behind the wheel, therefore, you will notice a saving on spending. In this regard, it is useful to know that if the engine is over-stressed, consumption will increase. It is advisable to avoid exceed 2,500 rpm for a petrol engine and 2,000 rpm for a diesel engine.

Another common mistake is change gears quickly until the third or fourth after the start. Acceleration will be greater to prevent the car from stalling and this will result in higher fuel consumption. In general, then, both rapid acceleration and sudden braking should be avoided. The ideal guide, with a view to reducing consumption, provides the maintaining the same speed for as long as possible.

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More tips for a savings guide

The constant speed allows you to maintain such a distance from other vehicles which helps to avoid sudden braking and, therefore, excessive fuel consumption. Opting for a speed of 100 km / h instead of 130, for example, will guarantee a savings of 25% which may increase by a further 10% when slowing down to 90 km / h.

The savings, then, are guaranteed if you avoid keep the air conditioning on for a long time. The power of the engine, in fact, decreases if the air conditioning is used with the consequence of a greater thrust on acceleration which increases fuel consumption. A reduction in consumption can then be achieved turning off the engine in case of long stops (such as queues on the motorway) and keeping the wheels at the right pressure.

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