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Driving school with fake instructors let look-alike exams: 4 arrests

According to the police, a number of students have received driving lessons from unauthorized instructors. Looks like twins have also taken driving tests on behalf of others. The driving licenses obtained with this would therefore be invalid.

The Centraal Bureau voor Rijvaardigheid (CBR) is awaiting the police investigation into these driving licenses, and says ‘it will take action to revoke these driving licenses’.

The CBR has reported identity fraud several times in recent years. According to the police and the CBR, there is a connection between these reports and the four arrests. The police also seized teaching cars, cash and various forged ID documents. The suspects are no longer in custody.

Counterfeit pass

The police investigation into driving school fraud began in January 2020, after a few people who were giving driving lessons with a forged credentials were arrested in a short period of time. According to the CBR, students who have been taught by an unauthorized person, but who have successfully completed the theory and practical exam themselves, are in possession of a valid driver’s license.

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