Home » today » News » Driving license unnecessary, penalty points under the microscope. New regulations on the final straight, but not for everyone – News – Cars, Cars, Motorcycles – Serwis Motoryzacyjny Dziennik.pl

Driving license unnecessary, penalty points under the microscope. New regulations on the final straight, but not for everyone – News – Cars, Cars, Motorcycles – Serwis Motoryzacyjny Dziennik.pl

We will no longer need a driving license in the form of a blank form in the event of a roadside inspection. The Sejm decided: right We will also be able to have a ride on the phone, specifically in the mObywat application. The deputies also adopted senatorial amendments to the amendment to the Road Traffic Law.

The Sejm supported the regulations clarifying, inter alia, the definition of “car showroom” and “driver”. And it rejected the senatorial amendment that it had compensate the income of counties lost due to the entry into force bill after local governments will no longer issue windshield stickers with a registration number or vehicle cards.

Virtual driver wallet

– After the decision of the Seym, only remains signature President and the road to the driving license on your phone will be opened. This is one of the changes that the so-called deregulation package for drivers, i.e. the amendment to the Road Traffic Law and some other acts – explains the Ministry of Digitization, which is working on new regulations with the Ministry of Infrastructure.

Importantly, the entry into force of the new regulations does not mean that the obligation to have a driving license as a document authorizing you to drive a car, motorcycle, etc. will disappear. This will change that the driver they will not have to carry it with them always. Driver data and permissions will be checked in the central register of drivers. And the document authorizing to drive vehicles will go to, among others to the phone, more precisely in the mObywat application. A person whose driving license has not been issued by the competent authority will be treated as before, i.e. as a person without driving license.

Driving license in mObywatelu is another important element in the development of this application. We are constantly working to improve it. Users appreciate it. mObywatela already has over 1.35 million Poles in their phones – said Marek Zagórski, minister digitization. – mObywat is a kind of virtual wallet for documents, to which we regularly add new elements – added the head of the ministry.

mPrawo Jazdy and penalty points under the magnifying glass

Currently, for the lack of a “license” at the control, the roadster may punish the driver with a fine of PLN 50. However, the problem may not be the ticket itself, but the inability to continue driving – if we do not have someone to continue driving.

Thanks to the enacted act, not only will you find yourself in mObywatele mPrawo Jazdy, but also a penalty point counterthanks to which you will be able to control the account balance for road offenses.

– These are further facilitations for citizens, because let us remind you now that drivers do not need to have a registration certificate and confirmation of the purchased third party liability policy with them during a road check. In addition, the lack of a driving license during the inspection closes the catalog of these amenities – Mikołaj Krupiński, a spokesman for the Motor Transport Institute, told Dziennik.pl. – In addition, simplification during vehicle registration, including the lack of a vehicle card, keeping the existing number plates, also means benefits for the driver’s wallet – added.

The new rules entail changes in the way the driving license is retained.

– Adopted a regulation analogous and consistent with the provisions on the retention of the registration certificate (temporary permit), which means that the driving license issued in the country will be detained by entering the information about the detention into the central register of drivers as soon as the reasons for detention occur. The provision allows to eliminate the currently existing situation in which, despite the circumstances for stopping, the document is not retained – if the driver does not have the document with him – the change makers explain. In this way, the gap used by people who previously lost their driving license and who fell into the hands of traffic police while driving a car despite the ban, disappears.

Vehicle registration certificate – no more replacement

Proof of registrationin which all the fields intended for entering the date of the next technical examination have been completed, will no longer be subject to the obligation to replace. The form filled with stamps will be allowed to circulate. It will be a simplification in the vehicle registration procedure abolition of the obligation to issue a vehicle card and a control sticker and its duplicate.

Registration at the place of temporary residence

In addition, thanks to the new regulations, the owner of the vehicle by changing the place of residence in Poland, he will not have to present proof of vehicle ownership by re-registering the car with another starost. That’s enough then proof of registration with current technical tests and there will be no need to provide the vehicle purchase contract to the office.

– The amendment to the act provides for the possibility of vehicle registration or temporary registration at the request of the owner, also by the staroste competent for the place of temporary residence, as well as temporary registration of the vehicle at the request of the owner in the event of the need to travel from the place of its purchase or collection, also by the starost competent for the place of purchase or collection of the vehicle – explained Szymon Huptyś, press spokesman for the Ministry of Infrastructure.

A great facilitation for vehicle owners will be the introduction of a link between the temporary registration of a vehicle for the purpose of exportation abroad and the deregistration of the vehicle ex officio.

License plates for life

The changes introduce the possibility of behavior, at the request of the vehicle owner, the current registration number. – The fee for the most frequently issued car plates is PLN 80, thanks to leaving the current registration number you will not have to pay it, and you will not have to pay for the control sticker – in total, together with the registration fee, it will save PLN 99.50 – Huptyś calculated

The dealer will register the new vehicle

A novelty is the introduction of formalities related to the registration of a new motor vehicle by a showroom authorized by the manufacturer.

– This solution will facilitate the registration process, save the time of the buyer, and also allow him to collect the already registered vehicle from the showroom, in the case of ordering the registration application via the showroom by electronic means – a representative of the ministry noted.

You will recover the registration certificate at the diagnostician

The new regulations will make it possible to return the detainee electronically by the road traffic control authority, the registration certificate (temporary permit) by the vehicle inspection station. – This solution will eliminate the need to ask the driver for the return of the document, e.g. to the office or unit of the authority that seized the document – Huptyś assessed.

You will temporarily withdraw the car from traffic, but only the crashed one

The new solution provided for in the regulations is the extension of the catalog of vehicles temporarily withdrawn from use to include passenger cars.

– It will, however, apply to damaged situations, and not temporarily unused cars – Huptyś announced. – In the event of a need to repair the car, e.g. after an accident resulting from damage to the main load-bearing elements of the structure, it will be possible to withdraw the vehicle from traffic for a period of 3 to 12 months and not more often than after 3 years from the date of the previous withdrawal from traffic – he explained.

Restoration to traffic will entail an additional technical inspection of the vehicle after repair. According to the ministry, this change will allow the owner of a car that is being repaired and temporarily withdrawn from use to reduce the cost of car insurance. Currently, it is possible to withdraw from traffic temporarily trucks and trailers with a maximum permissible weight of 3.5 tons, road tractors, special vehicles and buses.

It can be expected that this change will not please all drivers. This catalog does not provide a place for temporary deregistration of “seasonal vehicles”, such as motorcycles, convertibles, motorhomes or vintage cars …

The Ministry of Infrastructure announces that the new regulations will enter into force 3 months after their publication in the Journal of Laws, with the exception of solutions related to the need to issue a communiqué of the Minister of Digitization. The provisions regarding the waiver of the obligation to issue a vehicle card and control sticker will enter into force 24 months after publication.

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