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Driver Found Unconscious After Highway Accident: Winston Post Provides First Aid

Car accident Winston Post

‘I wanted to drive onto the highway less than a kilometer from my house. And at the same time, a driver coming from the other side also entered the highway. He should have stopped, but he didn’t. As a result, he hit my car really hard. I was shocked, also because I saw that he seemed to be lying unconscious against the window.’

Unconscious against the window

Winston immediately got out of his car to provide first aid. ‘A car also stopped behind me and I shouted to those people to call 112 because that man really needed help. Afterwards it turned out that the people behind me were detectives who happened to be standing behind me. I went to the driver and he was indeed lying unconscious against the window. I didn’t want to move him because I didn’t know if he would have a back or neck injury. But I did tap him on the cheeks so he would come around and respond. Luckily that happened.’

2024-01-13 19:00:00

#Winston #Post #involved #accident

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